How does sexual bullying manifest itself?

In addition to the bullying that we already know, which refers to violent and intimidating behavior that usually occurs continuously, there are also different types of bullying, the most frequent being physical, verbal, psychological, cybernetic and social. And additionally, there is the sexual bullyinga manifestation of aggressiveness focused on the victim’s sexuality.

This abusive behavior can affect anyone, but it is usually more common towards women and has a negative impact on those who suffer it because primarily attacks their dignity, their privacy and their feelingsleaving consequences for the rest of life.

Although on many occasions Abusers try to minimize this type of abuse by arguing that it is just jokes.attacks frequently become more acute with the passage of time and can reach their maximum expression, which would be rape.

What does sexual bullying look like?

This type of abuse manifests itself in different ways, being the most frequent behaviors of sexual bullying the following:

  • Do jokes, comments or gestures of a sexual nature.
  • Spread sexual rumorsboth in person and through text messages or social media.
  • Make or send explicit content.
  • Ask someone to take naked photos.
  • Spread comments, photos or videos sexual type.
  • Propose to have relationships or offer yourself for that purpose.
  • Stroke to another person in a sexual manner.
  • Press someone to do something they don’t want to do (kiss, let themselves be touched, watch pornography).
  • Using friendship conditioning to forcing unwanted behavior.
  • sexual touching to the victim and then deny it.
  • feign attraction towards the victim in order to humiliate him.
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As you can see, sexual bullying does not occur in a single way. There are many expressions and the way in which the aggressor can manipulate the victim and cause harm..

How does sexual bullying affect?

Although they are not always taken seriously, cases of sexual bullying can mark the lives of the people who suffer them and can generate in the victims:

  • Unsafety.
  • Feeling attacked.
  • Sadness.
  • Fear.
  • Anger.
  • Sleep disorders.
  • Low academic performance.
  • Depression.

In addition to the consequences mentioned, it is important to be very clear that Sexual acts without clear, specific and informed consent are not “a simple assault” or “a joke” and become a serious crime.

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What can a victim of sexual bullying do?

Each abuse situation is different and the way you respond to it may also be different depending on the victim. Keep in mind the following recommendations that can help you Know how to act if you are a victim of sexual bullying or know someone who is going through this.

Talk to your attacker

If this is the first time someone has this type of abusive behavior with you, set limits and tell them, clearly and calmly, that their behavior is not appropriate. In some cases this might be enough.

Seek support from a trusted adult

If you feel that this situation is affecting you a lot, avoid facing it alone, seek help.

Remember that you are not guilty

Nobody asks to be violated by another person, the only person guilty of abusive behavior like this is the one who decides to harm other people.

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Reporting that you are being a victim of sexual bullying not only protects you from more serious attacks, it can also save other people from going through the same thing you are experiencing.

In it # Movement We are convinced that breaking the silence is an effective way to break the chains of any type of abuse. If you feel that you are a victim of sexual bullying or have identified a case in your environment, don’t stay silent. In our digital channels you can find valuable tools to protect yourself from sexual abuse and violence. and.