Hidden conflicts in Gastritis – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Gastritis is an acute or chronic inflammation of the stomach lining, where the digestion process begins.

If there is inflammation, there is irritation and anger towards something or someone that I do not digest: certain things do not happen as I would like, or it may be one or people who do not act as I wish.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: The function of gastritis is to produce more gastric juices and sensitize the area to better digest something that is difficult for us to digest.

CONFLICT: Conflict of indigestible discomfort in the territory. There is also rage, anger and anger that are related to inflammation (“itis”): “Everything that irritates me in the territory”. Incomprehension conflict.

I can have the feeling of having been deceived and of being trapped in a situation. I am irritated by something that has absorbed my digestion system and the “digested” reality bothers me to a great degree.

The person who suffers from it may feel or have felt very angry and that what they feel burns them.

Example: A woman has gastritis for 15 days, and when asked, she answers: “My best friend and my best friend have become a couple and I still can’t digest it.”

It is important to learn to accept situations and others as they are, knowing that the only power I have is power over myself.

YOUR PAIN AND PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS SHOW THE CONFLICTS IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU HAVE NOT RESOLVED. WE TEACH YOU TO LISTEN TO YOUR BODY, TO DETECT AND RESOLVE YOUR CONFLICTS. CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

See also  Claudia Mejia Silva. Neurobiological Coach. Guatemala.

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