Hidden conflicts in dental caries – Integral Health Coaching.

Since the teeth are necessary to chew, that is, to prepare the food to be digested, a cavity indicates that the person does not even consider the possibility of accepting someone or something because they are too angry. In this way, she blocks herself, without acting or expressing her desires. It also indicates that the person prevents himself from laughing. She takes life too seriously.

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: I break down the enamel to rebuild it more powerful. Enamel is the ivory derived from the hardening of the buccal mucosa of the squamous epithelium. It refers to the concept of biting.

CONFLICT: Conflict of not being able to bite. It is a protection lived in the feminine since we cannot take the masculine response to return the attack or defend ourselves by biting.

Dental caries is an extreme manifestation of inner pain. Something gnaws at me to the depths of my being. I can’t express this evil that corrodes me and the inflammation makes its appearance.

The structure of the tooth is the most rigid in the human body. Dental caries refers to the “mental” aspect. Is it hate or grudge against someone? It may be that I “bar my teeth” when I feel attacked. What is the real cause of my pain?

I may also have experienced a situation in which I had the pleasure of “biting” someone in a situation of self-defense and I did not do it because “a well-bred child does not do this type of thing.”

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It is also possible that I am experiencing a family conflict or that it is difficult for me to accept what I receive from my environment and that I have to filter this conflict with my teeth through the chewing process. Because my teeth allow me to filter and discriminate what enters the interior of my body and, for the same reason, in my Universe in general.

The decay has manifested itself to signal that your stubbornness does not benefit you; It causes you as much internal pain as the pain caused by your teeth. Instead of getting angry internally, it would be more beneficial for you to review your way of perceiving what is happening around you and accept that others cannot think like you. Learn to laugh at yourself, to see the funny side of people and situations. CLARIFICATION: This is a generic orientation, it is required to investigate, in each person in particular, the specific conflictive pack to be resolved.

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