Health benefits of humor – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Currently, studies have been reported whose indications speak of the therapeutic value of humor.

Some studies report beneficial psychophysical effects in the short term, at a preventive or palliative level. These studies refer that laughter contributes to the reduction of stress and anxiety which favor the quality of life and indirectly benefit the physical health of the individual. Regarding positive humor, they report that it promotes good spirits which contributes to coping with illness or preventing depression.

Some long-term benefits have also been attributed to various mechanisms that may impact physical health. For example, laughter is associated with changes in circulating catecholamine and cortisol levels, which in turn can have a major effect on various components of the immune system. Likewise, the hypotheses that have been proposed about the possible beneficial effects of vigorous laughter are attributed to reducing muscle tension, increasing oxygen in the blood, exercising the heart and circulatory system, and the production of endorphins.

Another aspect that is referred to is that humor and laughter can be one of the ways to neutralize “negative” emotions along with other “positive” emotions such as love, hope, joy or happiness.

Finally, another health benefit of humor that has been reported is that humor may be mediated by social support. In other words, people with a great sense of humor can be more socially competent and attractive, becoming closer and more satisfied in social relationships. The resulting higher level of social support can in turn have stress-inhibiting and health-promoting effects, an effect that numerous studies have demonstrated.

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