Guide for parents: how to educate positively (PDF)

Educating positively and with good treatment means educating them without resorting to shouting, insults, threats, humiliation, spankings or slaps. These punishments cause pain, sadness, fear, loneliness, guilt and low self-esteem in boys and girls, and it has been proven that they are not effective in raising children.

This guide for parents, prepared with the support of the Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality, is part of Save the Children’s work to promote
positive parenting and good treatment and aims to continue the awareness-raising actions of public campaigns such as “Educate, don’t hit” or “Correcting is not hitting”.

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Positive parenting requires patience, dedication and effort. It is not always easy, but educating positively is possible. Here we offer guidelines and tools that can help fathers and mothers in their most exciting task, that of educating their children.

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