Foot Messages according to Biodecoding

The feet represent the world where we stand, the set of everything we understand, our total comprehension. They metaphorically represent all the ways we allow ourselves to feed on life.

Foot Messages according to Biodecoding

Our whole life is focused on the feet. Any foot problem is encompassing the entire person.

When talking about the whole or the totality of our person, this may seem too general to be useful and operational, but it does serve as a starting point. At least one can wonder if he really is what he thinks he is or if the values ​​we have had in the past are really our current values.

parts of the foot

soles of the feet

Soul consciousness. Whole

It is required to know the soul as the starting point of our life or total personal consciousness that connects with the whole or the spirit. We tend in our numbness to live our life from the body outwards or from the outside towards us.

We also know that we have thoughts and feelings or emotions, but that also seems to be conditioned by what happens abroad, although it is lived in a non-visible way, although it is present.

If we have studied some psychology it is possible that we have concepts of something called the subconscious or unconscious, which after all are quite limited concepts in the way they are used in modern psychology.

It is worth at least imagining that there is something else, that total personal consciousness, the soul, and that this soul is always expressing itself, that it does not get sick but we do have that limited expression through our personal beliefs.

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Those limitations are specific and relate to aspects of our lives. Some specific sites may be related to internal organs. The model of is useful to determine the relationship with other organs of the body when there is annoyance from plants.

foot instep

Alignment with personal life purpose

Our purpose is to explore that series of qualities that we have chosen for this life; problems in the instep manifest the non-alignment with those qualities. But what could be those qualities that we have chosen before we were born?

A clue here may be to look at our deepest interests by seeing them as metaphors.

We can also see the things, people and events that we resist the most, observe your resistances because behind each of them you have a gift, make a list and sign up for them with joy and commitment and then see how your life aligns at the moment with that.

It is a process of contemplation in a relaxed way and, above all, listening and being honest with yourself.

foot arch

Personal agreement with the mission of life. individual purpose

Arc problems represent not assuming or not realizing that we all have a mission in life. The arch represents how we relate to the idea that we are not here by chance.

The funny thing is that sooner or later and in one way or another we are all going to fulfill that mission, none of us will fail to fulfill it. Those with flat feet need to realize that the Universe is governed by certain laws that are not by chance and they need to raise their spirituality.

People with very high arches: bring the spiritual part to the level of the earth. The pronounced arc indicates detachment from things. What we know as self-esteem is understood more in relation to the way in which we focus our mission in life.

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The lower our self-esteem is, the more materialistic our focus, the higher our self-esteem, the more spiritual, creative and poetic our focus.

Heel of the foot

It is the part where one lands; when you walk, it is the first part that touches the ground, then comes the rest of the foot

Heel problems indicate the need to plant the feet on the ground, people who are poorly established.

They also indicate a feeling of disconnection or isolation from others or from life itself, the need to be here and to have a relaxed relationship with present time and space including people and things.


Each finger represents an area of ​​life

As much of the feet as of the hands; the areas are the same but the toes represent more basic, grosser aspects ().

foot ankles

Personal power distribution and output

Need to calm the mind and be in the moment in a more physical way. Excessive fantasy and attachment both mentally and emotionally.

Achilles tendon

Calm and comfortable with your means of creative expression

Problems in that area would represent exaggerated emphasis, they can also indicate aspects of love that are out of balance, both exaggerated and repressed.

feet calves

Childish nature or innocence

Right or left related to boy or girl respectively. It is the conscious boy/girl part that finally realizes that we are all children of existence, that everything is one and that it supports us at every moment.

foot shin

represents the vision

What is signing up for a process, feeding the path, living in the present, the vision encourages you to enter the process.

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Problems indicate fantasy, which is not signing up for the process and only wanting the result because you think you need it, that you need it, that it should feed you.

The foot, in general, are the conflicts related to the mother.

It can also refer to the symbolic Mother who protects (eg: social security).

Foot Types


For the Biological Unconscious, the foot has to do with the mother, or maternal figure. As it is from birth, we know that the conflict comes from the Sense Project or from Transgenerational.

In any case, you have to look for some conflict in the mother. The embryonic layer that is affected is the 3rd (New Mesoderm) therefore we know that it is a Movement Conflict.

And you have to look for a great devaluation on the part of the person who lives the conflict. And look for those Unconscious Beliefs that are behind the Devaluation so that you become aware and change them.


Search for the mother’s affection. When I am a child, I do not want to be separated from my mother (They are flat until 4-7 years old) “It prevents me from taking off and pins me to the ground”, “I am crushed by my mother”.

Hollow or Cavus foot

Search for autonomy in relation to the mother “I resist being overwhelmed by my mother” “I want to separate from my mother”.

plantar fasciitis

Neglecting the maternal function. Rage.

sesamoid bones

Obligation towards the mother, with a notion of “not having enough strength to fight”.

Calcaneal Spur (Heel)

It is related to “the first step to take” with respect to the mother or the maternal function.