Fjaðrárgljúfur, the most beautiful canyon in the world

Fjaðrárgljúfur is the most beautiful canyon in the worldhere the progressive erosion of the river that flows through it has formed a dream landscape that seems straight out of a fairy tale.

When you think about canyons, the image usually arises of a long, winding path full of sandy colors that curves its walls at the pleasure of nature. But when we talk about Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon in Icelandthe landscape is completely different because its walls are completely covered by a vibrant green that makes it the most beautiful canyon in the world.

The dreamy beauty of the Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon

The Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon is located southeast of , where the Fjaðrá River has little by little been shaping its walls thanks to the progressive erosion of water. Thanks to this, the earth has been impressively striated to form an untamed canyon that is at least 100 meters deep and runs 2 kilometers in distance.

It is an ancestral formation that dates back to the Ice Age millions of years ago when the Earth was dominated by large frozen terrains, and animals like

As the eons pass, water flows through the rocks and palagonite, caused the progressive erosion of the rock surrounding the Fjaðrá river. The slow but constant passage of water managed to striate the land to the point of forming a deep canyon with a waterfall that flows down the west side of Fjaðrárgljúfur.

The edges of the canyon have become from which you can see how the vegetation has reigned over time, giving life to its walls covered in a green that reflects the amazing fertility of the land. The east trail offers ineffable views of the plains and glacial streams that flow into the river. But such beauty must be preserved and since the Fjaðrárgljúfur canyon became more popular with visitors, the authorities took measures to prevent the site from deteriorating. Today entry is prohibited without special permission, but we still have impressive photographs of the place.

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