Five Youtube channels to exercise at home

Something that quarantine has taught us is to be productive in our own home. We have learned cooking and hairdressing tricks and, in addition, we have learned to want a healthy life. That is why for many months, We turn to numerous websites or YouTube channels to let them guide us in our personal projects.

However, that time is over and everything is back to normal: the gyms are now open and the possibility of exercising outside is once again possible. Even so, there are external agents that do not allow us to do everything we want to start with our lives. fitnesseither for time or money. For this reason, there are still people who, to this day,

If you are one of those people, I encourage you to keep reading because I am going to give you five Youtube channels with which you can create exercise routines to your liking without spending a single euro and, furthermore, without leaving home.

Virtual Gym

Virtual Gym is one of the best-known Youtube channels in which . What’s yours?

Fausto Murillo

Fausto Murillo’s channel has routines and exercises for all levels.

Fitness Blender

Despite the fact that the videos on this channel are in English, the instructions are simple and effective. In addition, it is a channel dedicated to all those people who have little time.

Xuan Lan Yoga

If you are interested in doing yoga at home, this is your channel.

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feel young

Fun and enjoyable exercise routines.