Five tips to return to the gym after the summer

Acknowledge it. You’ve tried more than once, but getting sport to become part of your life is not an easy task. Confinements, teleworking and vacations seem not to have been the best scenarios for maintaining consistency either.

If with the arrival of the new course you intend to start with new sports routines to improve your appearance or physical condition, and achieve your goal of being constant when doing sports, what you have to keep in mind is that you have to do it little by little.

Adapting to the habit of training is not an easy thing, it takes willpower, energy and time. To the popular question “How many days a week should I train?”, Miguel Piqueras, from the WWD Concept center, answers: “To notice results a little earlier, the ideal would be to start with two days a week“What it is about is being regular in our way of exercising, according to the expert.

Finding the sport that best suits you or seeking short-term motivation are some of the tips that, according to these professionals, can help you overcome your limits and maintain your training routine. We’ll tell you about it!

Recommendations to be constant in your sports practice

Choose the sport that best suits you: No matter how fashionable running is, it may not be your thing. Don’t get carried away by trends. Everything will depend on your experience with physical exercise to date.

Miguel Piqueras advises starting with an “assessment of physical condition, that is, a set of tests used to measure physical performance”, which he says should preferably be assessed by a professional. In addition, knowing to what extent your body is prepared for the activity you plan to perform will allow you to set realistic goals.

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Dose yourself and do not over-expose: Don’t give it your all at first or you’ll be left with nothing. Start small and give your body-mind time to get used to the new routine. Overexertion can be counterproductive and end your purpose.

“As for the days of training, the ideal according to the WHO is 3 to 5 days, with a medium intensity activity (sessions of around 45 minutes). If your lifestyle is sedentary you should start with 2 or 3, and go up,” says Gadea.

Don’t start doing cardio: Start with bodybuilding and not cardio, it is another fundamental fact that few people know. “First you should do bodybuilding and then cardio. Cardio consumes muscle glycogen, so it should always be done after weights. If we do it the other way around, our body will have much less strength and the numbers we get will be worse.” acknowledges the expert.

Take care of your fuel: Or what is the same, eat well. Your body will need a balanced diet that provides you with enough energy to perform the routine.

Prepare the team and get motivated with it: Appropriate footwear and comfortable and breathable clothing. There are more and more options offered by brands, aware of the benefits of continuous practice of sport. The ideal is to wear garments that fit your body and are breathable or, even better, that repel sweat and dry quickly.