Feng Shui: the 8 plants you have to have (and those you shouldn’t!) to attract good energy

Below we present some plants that attract good energy and others that we should eliminate from our home.

1 – Cacti

They are very special because of the powerful energy they give off. In principle, they are made up of a large amount of water, which helps to achieve a good Feng Shui. However, the problem with the cactus is that it has thorns and sharp objects break the circulation of energy.

Therefore, placing a cactus inside a room can make you sleep worse and in the dining room it increases the danger of having family arguments. The solution, therefore, is to put the cacti outside the house.


2 – Hanging plants

According to this technique, all the objects that can be hung at home will help good energy circulate better and create more vitality. This includes both vines, as well as lamps or garlands.

3 – The potus

Pothos are very common plants at home, since they are easy to care for and are very beautiful. According to him Feng ShuiThey absorb energy, both positive and negative, so caution must be taken when placing them at home. If you place them in strategic points of your home such as windows (better if you place them away from the ground), they will help you balance bad energy levels. The problem is that they also absorb good energy, so you should not have many pots of this type or you will make your house have very little harmony.

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4 – The bonsais

Bonsais do not have a good Feng Shui. After all, they are plants whose growth has been limited and, therefore, this imposed atrophy will only cause bad vibrations to circulate through your home. If you don’t want your daily life to have limits, refrain from placing bonsais at home.

5 – Hydrangeas

Although it may seem like an ideal decoration, it is not a suitable plant since it could attract the worst energies. These flowers are related to loneliness and introspection, so they will not favor good relationships between different family members.

6 – The agave

The agave has very elongated leaves, which is why it attracts bad energies. However, this plant, from which tequila is made, has medicinal properties, which changes its symbolism. In this way, according to Feng Shui, it is not advisable to have it inside the house, but it is a great idea to plant it in a nearby garden.

7 – Anthuriums

Anthuriums, those plants with heart-shaped red flowers and very green leaves, are very appropriate for the interior of homes. They are very resistant and radiate great strength, so it will be better if you place them in shared rooms such as the living room or dining room, rather than the bedroom. Its rounded shapes allow energy to circulate around it easily. In addition, there are those who say that it is the flower of love, so it will undoubtedly make the atmosphere at home much more affectionate.

8 – Bamboo

Bamboo is in fashion according to , which is why it is increasingly common to see it in homes as decoration. Despite being elongated, a characteristic that Feng Shui It is not usually rewarded, bamboo is flexible and very strong so it can provide your home with great robustness to adapt to changes. In addition, it is a plant with great relaxing power that transmits a great feeling of peace to the spaces in which it is located. Thats why he Feng Shui recommends it in its different forms for bedrooms.

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