False beliefs about sexuality

Throughout history, different beliefs have been established around sexuality. Some were discarded with scientific advances but other assumptions have remained firmly established in the culture, causing discomfort, anguish, sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems, among others.

It is not possible in this space to address all false beliefs, therefore, in this selection those that are most firmly rooted will be taken into account:

  • Masturbation is only related to Single men: The pleasure of self-stimulation is an important factor in people’s sexuality and a fundamental point of learning, learning how to reach orgasm and what one likes to be able to transmit it to one’s partner. Masturbation is enjoyed by both children and adults, men and women, whether single or in a relationship.
  • The female orgasm must occur through penetration: The point of greatest pleasure and nerve endings regarding sex is the clitoris, not the vagina. The ancient belief that there are two orgasms, clitoral and vaginal, in many cases produces preorgasmia (difficulty reaching orgasm) in women. For anatomical reasons, it is necessary for 75% of women to have, in addition to penetration, stimulation of the clitoris to reach orgasm.
  • Penis size matters: Related to the previous false belief, in this same sense, good stimulation, kisses and caresses in the right place are more important than a large penis. Penis size is not proportional to sexual pleasure.
  • Removing the penis from the vagina before ejaculating prevents fertilization: erroneous belief, since the pre-seminal fluid that is released in male arousal has sperm that are capable of producing fertilization. Not only can you get pregnant, but you can also become infected with sexually transmitted diseases if you do not use a condom correctly from the beginning of sexual intercourse.
  • An erection is necessary to enjoy sexual intercourse.: That in some cases, due to fatigue or stress, there is not an adequate erection for penetration does not have to be experienced as a problem. A good sexual relationship goes beyond a couple of centimeters, we have our entire body and mind to enjoy with each other. If there is no occasional erection, what else can we be creative with?
  • Sexual intercourse must occur naturally: The moment we believe that we must know everything, we limit ourselves to a fundamental aspect such as the ability to learn and the ability to communicate our tastes and desires to others. Not all women are the same, nor do all men like the same thing, it is important to allow ourselves to explore and surprise ourselves with what our partner likes and what we like.
  • A good sexual relationship implies that partners reach orgasm at the same time: Once again, the demand for wanting to accommodate the orgasm to a parameter can cause the flow of the sexual experience to be interrupted and pleasure to escape.
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Holding false beliefs regarding sexuality generates multiple consequences or manifestations, one of the main ones has to do with sexual dysfunctions. Generating demands from these false assumptions causes the person to be more aware of their performance than of feeling pleasure and connecting with the other, they find themselves observing themselves and demanding to do or achieve how they “believe” things should happen. This can lead us to not experience sexuality as pleasurable. Living it with guilt, anxiety and discomfort as a consequence of the myths that circulate, which do not always impart positive values.

Likewise, in the face of ignorance, the person is more exposed to sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies, since in many cases the information that circulates among peers is not correct and that leads to confusion and poor care for oneself and the other. other.

Which of these beliefs caught your attention? Did you find one that you believed in? What other false assumptions do you think are circulating out there?

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Article previously published on the website of the center specialized in sexuality: and provided by the author for publication in .