Eyes Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts of sight

We can see everything around us thanks to our eyes. They are the windows of the world, wide open to let in the light, the scenery, the things we want to see, and everything else.

Eyes Biodecoding — Emotional conflicts of sight

We do not always want to see what is happening around us. We do not want to look beyond the material world, not even the corporeal, sometimes.

The eyes according to biodecoding

Someone we don’t like and don’t want to see… Also, there are issues, circumstances, feelings and ways of being that we prefer not to see in others or in ourselves.

Your eyes may be preparing to not see what you do not accept if you are going through a moment in which you do not want to see certain things, you would like them to be erased from your sight, to disappear and stop seeing them, be it something, someone or a emotional condition.

I’m not interested in seeing anything, at all, at all.

It may sound a bit strange. Keep in mind that you are a whole that manages the emotions that you are experiencing in the best possible way. Here, your emotions send a message to your unconscious mind saying:

“I don’t want to see, I don’t want to see, I don’t want to see.”

Finally, the unconscious helps you resolve issues that you cannot resolve consciously.

Whether you are aware of it or not, you have an unconscious that works to protect you even though it has no way of understanding that the remedy it offers will only make things worse. There are physical problems associated with not being able to see, as well as the emotional problems of not wanting to see.

eye problems

From time to time I receive questions about problems with the small children in the house. A child’s problems are the result of her parents. Especially with the mother.

When a child has vision problems and needs glasses to improve it, we must take into account what may be happening at home that the child does not want to see. He or she can’t alter that circumstance when he or she is little, but the parents can.

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They need to consider what they are doing to cause their child to have such a negative effect that they try to defend themselves for not seeing correctly.

Parents of children with vision problems should not feel guilty or blame themselves for their child’s condition; rather, they must become aware of it and make the necessary adjustments to create a calm and caring environment at home where their child feels safe.

Afterwards you will not need glasses to protect yourself.

When you have problems with your eyes

It is best to take into account how long the problem has lasted. Think about what you didn’t want to see in the year or two before your eye problem began. What problems were there that you thought were better hidden (I call it a silly veil) rather than addressed and resolved?

Your eyesight will improve if you do that retrospective, put light where there were shadows, and start to let go and see clearly.

The eyes belong to the 4th Stage: Relationship.

To determine what is causing your eye problems, you should ask yourself some of the following questions:

  • Am I afraid to observe the present?
  • Is my fear current or did it already exist?
  • What aspects of my life can’t I handle?
  • Do I clearly understand what I am doing to myself?
  • What would I see if I had perfect vision that I don’t have now?
  • What circumstance do I not accept?

Right eye meaning

  • memorize
  • he watches me
  • watch my friends
  • My parents
  • My children
  • other individuals
  • Look at faces, both familiar and unfamiliar

left eye meaning

  • control movement
  • Visualize the opponents
  • focus on the horizon
  • protects me from harm
  • Warns me of dangers around

Emotional conflicts I’m going through

You may be able to avoid witnessing the conflict associated with the vision you have impacted. If your vision is blurry from afar, it has to do with the future. You will not be able to see clearly up close if you are currently struggling.

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I don’t want to look ahead or consider the future, it bothers me. What I see is not what I want to see. I have to look away. The ability to see the past, present, and future clearly is tied to hidden emotion.

Accepting life as it is will help you let go of these feelings, otherwise you will be damaging your eyesight.

Knowing that you can change some things and that you must accept others makes life better. Discord is only produced by resistance. Learn to embrace life with enthusiasm and assimilate all its lessons.

eye irritation

When your eyes start to bother you, take a moment to consider what it is about your environment that “irritates” you. Analyze the situation objectively and call attention to any irritants.


You are upset about something you have observed, and this distress makes you very angry, enraged and violent (I want to punch someone!). This is the hidden biological emotion.

Dry eyes

I don’t accept people for who they are, and I get angry when I see them. Since they refuse to do what I ask, I look at them with anger. I struggle with the idea of ​​loving them. I’d rather die than give in and make amends. I am hurt and angry.


I have witnessed something that made me feel impure. My intimate relationships have problems. I have witnessed something that has made me angry. Everything else is unappealing, so I only want to see things that are interesting to me.

What changes are possible?

The first step to changing your perception and fixing your eyes is to realize that ignoring the evidence doesn’t improve anything. Having a clear vision does not depend on wanting to see things as they are. Life should be seen for what it is, not for what you think it should be.

We affirm that the eyes serve as a reflection of the soul. When there are problems in the eyes, you are preventing your soul from seeing the proper route and completing its vital objective.

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We blame our parents or ancestors for what we don’t understand. Part of this is correct. We may inherit a program that makes us repeat certain actions and feelings, which has an effect on how we see the world.

The answer is still up to you. Find out if it is a generational issue, clean up that information and take full responsibility for your life.

Review your beliefs and connect them with the feelings that are impeding your vision. Replace limiting beliefs with more ecological ones and you will notice how things start to work more efficiently.

Expressions and sayings of the eyes

Look out for these expressions that could be the cause of your eye problems:

  • It costs me an arm and a leg.
  • I am unable to take my eyes off him.
  • I must have four eyes.
  • I close my eyes while doing this.
  • I look at it with bad eyes

These words, when spoken repeatedly, leave a message in your subconscious, which then acts to defend us. Your health and peace are profoundly affected by what you say to yourself and others, as well as what you think and feel.

Therefore, be wise and modify everything that does you wrong. Check your opinions, thoughts and feelings, and be aware of your origins. Live from love and in harmony with yourself and the rest of the world, or live from fear and continue living in discord.

real or symbolic

Keep in mind that the unconscious cannot understand what is real or symbolic. Therefore, if you perceive something as real, your unconscious will also perceive it as real. It is responsible for compensating for any emotional demands made on it by the disease.

So, get rid of everything you no longer need, live without fear and pay attention to all aspects of your life.

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With information from