Epilepsy – Integral Health Coaching.

Chronic disease that groups several neurological disorders and that generates
recurrent seizures (epileptic seizures) due to excessive firing of neurons

It seems to me that life only brings me rejection, violence, anger and despair. I have the feeling of always having to fight. I feel persecuted. I feel guilty of the aggressiveness that rises in me and I reject it. I’m fed up, this requires too much effort from me. I reject this life that strives to make me suffer.

During the epileptic seizure, my body stiffens to protest against these injuries and the convulsions erupt, like strong waves that allow me to let out my long-repressed anger and aggressiveness.

As epilepsy indicates an overload of the nervous circuit, this shows that what I have to deal with in my daily life is excessive; a situation arises in which I must choose.

Epilepsy can also be the consequence of an excruciating fear that I have (of death, illness, fear of losing someone, etc.); in motor coloring, as if to prevent me from overtaking, it adds to my fear (for example, if I have to go to a funeral and I don’t want to go).

BIOLOGICAL SENSE: Putting an end to something drastically in order to start over. Epilepsy is an apparent death (rigidity, paleness, loss of consciousness…) that can be followed by a resurrection. It is a shake at the level of the cerebral cortex that frees all excess loads and programs (multiple accumulated tensions).

CONFLICT: Important conflict of impotent fear, added to one of separation.

See also  SKIN – HIVES – Comprehensive Health Coaching.

Also important conflict of fear (larynx) together with one of motor skills (impotence), gives us as a result a conflict of “horror”: “Not wanting to, but having to go”. For example, fear (horror) of going to school, but being forced to go.

Children of an overprotective mother.

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