

The emotions They are complex mental states that we experience in response to events, situations, or thoughts and involve three components: a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response.

are believed to exist six basic emotions that are common to all human cultures: fear, disgust, anger, surprise, joy and sadness.

Learn to know ourselves more manage emotions It can help us improve our health and well-being.

In our articles and podcasts you will find reflections, guidelines and tips that will help you recognize and .



We choose a movie and we are ready to enjoy it, occupy a few hours and entertain our minds. However, we are doing much more: we are exploring ways to channel our feelings and reflecting on other realities. Watching movies is therapeutic.


The brain is a very complex organ that controls thought, memory, emotions, the perception of the senses… We will discover what its parts are and what functions each one has.

Diana Llorens

Dr. Francisco Marin


There is a lot of talk about affective responsibility because the new ways of relating through social networks have shown how little people take responsibility for the emotional impact that their actions can have on other people. Affective responsibility is the ethic that promotes just the opposite.

in consultation

The lack of parental attention during childhood conditions the whole of life. The real case of Mario, a young man whose father never paid attention to him, serves to verify how work in therapy helps to overcome deficiencies and to free himself from the need to be accepted.

psychological strategy

Far from the all-powerful beings they claim to be, emotional vampires are weak people who need to steal energy from others to survive. We tell you how we worked in therapy to free María from the yoke of the emotional vampires that were stripping her of her vitality.

According to different cultures

Flowers, with their almost otherworldly colors and their shapes that evoke mandalas, can embody as many meanings as the most diverse and distant cultures have attributed to them.

Claudina Navarro Walter

Manuel Nunez

healing self compassion

When a friend confesses to us that they feel bad for having made a mistake, we are capable of accompanying them with understanding and affection. However, when we are the ones having a bad time, we tend to severely criticize ourselves. What if we practice self-pity?

Interview with Dr. Rosa Molina

Dr. Rosa Molina Psychiatrist, author of the book “A mind with a lot of body” (Ed. Paidós) explains in this interview that it is possible to recognize and modulate emotions so that they do not have a negative impact on the functioning of the body.

According to neuroscience

Love transforms the architecture of your brain and produces changes in it oriented towards happiness, joy, motivation and emotional regulation.

Dr. Tomás Álvaro Naranjo

emotional helplessness

Children, even when surrounded by many people, can feel very lonely. In their adulthood, they must heal this emotional loneliness in order to be well with themselves and with other people.

Smiles and tears

We usually suppress the desire to cry, although from a psychological point of view it is not good to suppress this desire. We tell you the benefits of letting go of tears.

psychology of fear

Many people love horror movies while in real life they can be quite scary. How then is psychologically explained the attraction we feel towards scary films?

Compassion as a treasure

The word compassion suggests commiseration or pity, thereby devaluing it to a certain extent. Authentic compassion is a sublime expression of love.

Interview with Laura Garcia

Laura García is the director of Booklife, a project to spread the healing power of books. Through her workshops, she proposes books with characters and plots that help to better understand what happens to us, what we feel, and to combat sadness and other emotions.

Flower-based remedies

The 38 flower remedies that Dr. Bach developed in the 1930s are still more relevant than ever as an aid to harmonize health and emotions.

Interview with Boris Cyrulnik

Boris Cyrulnik, neuropsychiatrist and survivor of Nazism, shows the most viable way to overcome adversity when it seems that all is lost.

emotional benefits

Chess is much more than a sport or a game, it can be considered as a symbolic experience that provides us with enormous learning about life.

Interview with Mercedes Bermejo

Mercedes Bermejo, a psychologist specializing in child and adolescent care, explains how the cases of children and young people with significant mental health disorders have multiplied as a result of the health alert experienced.

Interview with Stanislaus Bachrach

The doctor in Biology Estanislao Bachrach affirms in his new book “In limbo” that our limbic system, where our emotions reside, is responsible for most of the decisions we make. How to take advantage of this in our favor?

intense relaxation

Deep relaxation allows you to release bodily tensions, review conflicting emotions, and gain perspective on what we do and what we are.

insecurity and dissatisfaction

Are you never satisfied? All of us at one time or another feel that we are missing something, but if it becomes a constant, we must look for the origin of the discomfort.

Emotions and well-being

“Toxic positivity” is a paradigm of social behavior that does not leave room for “the negative” and leads to repressing sad or inappropriate feelings in that environment. We explain why it is important that emotions of all kinds come out to…

See also  https://www..com/psicologia/desarrollo-personal/animales-sufren-dolor-fisico-emocional_1349