Emotional Significance Addictions according to Biodecoding

Contrary to what those addicted to other things claim, addictions are not only to tobacco and drugs. Addictions are a reflection of what is NOT said and what is NOT expressed.

Emotional meaning of addictions — Biodecoding

To avoid cynicism and hypocrisy, as well as to prevent other addicts from feeling bad about their false morals and convenience, it is preferable to acknowledge, accept, and treat one’s own addiction rather than see addictions in others.

Addictions are linked to the family unit, to overprotective mothers and the absence of fathers. Both incidents were caused by an unwavering lack of love.

All addiction is aimed at avoiding emotional contact; This avoidance can take the form of a feeling of existential emptiness, a lack of love, a feeling of loneliness, or a disconnection from our higher self.

meaning of addiction

If we examine the word addiction etymologically, it means “unsaid”, what I cannot or do not want to express.

Type of addictions


It helps to control the resentment towards the father and allows to say things that normally they would not dare because cocaine achieves disinhibition. Illusion of a deep awakening that improves interpersonal relationships.

Desire to regain innocence or anything else that can no longer produce, such as the admiration of others.


It helps to manage the and my identity or position before that separation. A person searching for herself and not sure of her purpose on earth. Identity crisis.


It has to do with the desire to avoid physical or emotional responsibilities for fear of being hurt once and hurt again.

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it is associated with mother-child conflicts and intense loneliness. Inadequate, mother-child or excessive communication about protection. Lack of independence and freedom.


Trying to feed your own desire for love. The more food you eat, the more you feel. Eating in an effort to overcome unpleasant or unassimilated memories.


The need for my father’s kindness and love. Conflicts with the absence, lack of love or underestimation of the father.


The desire to make life more pleasant to compensate for the person’s lack of joy, love and tenderness.


Trying to stifle the material, the ethereal, and convince yourself that having sex is having love.


Living with excessive fear and attachment to avoid the suffering of lack. Have the conviction that I must demonstrate both the usefulness of my life and the value of my contribution to society.


Having trouble accepting yourself. The reliance on one’s own physical well-being to mask and satisfy an internal feeling of insecurity.

If you struggle with this type of addiction, you must find the origin of your story, forgive yourself what needs to be forgiven, stop seeing life as a punishment or a source of suffering, and work on developing empowerment, humility, appreciation and, most importantly, self-love.

Accepting the situation and saying things like “I can just let it be” or “I don’t have a problem” will help you get over it and want things to get better.

No one stands up for themselves

The help of a specialist or people with the necessary training is always needed.

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It is advisable that you recognize, value and accept the fact that you need help. That there are people who care about you, and feel hurt when there are conflicts in the family.

The Ego is what prevents us from accepting help, but there are many resources available to help us quit whatever addiction we have. The specific thing is to recognize that I need help and ask for it.

That if you want, you can improve everything. Nobody can help you if you don’t want it. If you want to go around, you will stay in the same place. Accepting that you are worth much more than you think – that you are worth more than gold – is now necessary.

Allowing yourself to be held in the arms of your loved ones is entirely up to you. Your family will always be by your side when you need it, as well as a helping hand.

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