Emotional conflicts of the stomach – Biodecoding

What happens in our stomach according to the type of emotional conflict that is being experienced or, according to the emotional impact received. Symptoms: gastritis, cancerous gastric ulcer, peptic ulcer, heartburn.

Emotional conflicts of the stomach

All the above symptoms have their origin in emotional conflicts of anger in the territory or to conflicts of identity.

They have experienced or are experiencing aggressions, they feel anger towards someone or we feel the anger of another person against us (we feel attacked or we attack others.

There are constant fights or arguments for wanting to mark the limits of my territory:

  • Look boss, my schedule ends at 7pm and it’s already 8pm, I’m leaving.
  • Hey employee, your break is cancelled, you were resting tomorrow but I need you to come to work.
  • My love, your mom just called to say that she is coming to visit tomorrow and you and I had already agreed to go out to eat, to see how you resolve it.
  • My love, today I will not be able to come see you because a family unforeseen event came up, see you the other better weekend.

Change of plans and unforeseen events

They are situations in which we feel attacked because, on the one hand, a third person or some fact, IT CHANGES OUR PLANSbut at the same time, we are experiencing a situation in which we do not feel supported and we know that this change of plans will cause me problems now at home or now at work.

Either an unforeseen event arises at home and I look bad at work or an unforeseen event arises at work and I look bad at home. I feel attacked, I cannot define my territory or territories, one of my territories affects the other and my life is complicated.

And it can be something as simple as “I already have it, I’m going to go out for lunch” and then your boss arrives and tells you: he’s not going out to eat today, I need you to make me this urgent report.

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Obviously, the bigger my discomfort, the more complicated the problems, the more painful or serious my symptom. And why am I hurting my stomach?

Because I don’t digest situations

What is really going on in my stomach?

I am in active conflict, therefore, small ulcerations are occurring on my gastric mucosa, perhaps millimeters, but there is burning and discomfort, it hurts.

My stomach is getting inflamed because it knows that that bite I swallowed or was made to swallow (the change of plans) requires more space to be digested.

There is more acidity of course, because the bite is so big, that I HAVE TO UNDO IT.

When I have resolved the conflict, when my life returns to normal, when I rebel against my boss or make it clear at home that I no longer want problems for failing them from time to time.

When I change from “worrying” to “resolving” by answering, explaining or simply calmly facing situations, my stomach receives the order to reduce inflammation, my mucosa begins to recover, my acidity decreases and it may be that I begin to bleed in my stool or pass black stools due to necrotic tissue.

In the healing crisis, I will feel colic, cramps, chills and some inflammation in the colon with inflammation.

Symptom: ulcer perforation

The conflict is the same as in the previous case, but with the difference that I have not resolved this conflictual duality for many months now: “either I look good at work or I look good with my family”.

And my indecision to solve is so great that the ulcerations grow and what is important to know is that if these ulcers burst, the danger of dying is very high.

So in the face of any labor conflict, feeling of aggression, living angry or upset or intolerant, it will hurt my stomach.

Those people who don’t allow themselves to fail, be late, be wrong. Those perfectionists, those people who can’t get sick and miss work for even a day… beware!

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Symptoms: stomach cancer, polyps in the stomach, hyperplasia of the gastric mucosa

Here the conflict focuses mainly on I DON’T DIGEST

  • I can not stand
  • I do not tolerate
  • I do not allow
  • It disgusts me
  • disgusts me
  • I shit…

Therefore, I may be referring to a person, to a fact, to an event, to someone’s attitude, to a job, to a job, to a word, to whatever.

I am 100% intolerant and I want everything to be the way I want it, how I have planned it, I lead, I command, things are done my way, etc.

What happens in my stomach tissue?

That while I remain in this plan of intolerance and mental rigidity, something similar to a cauliflower is forming in my stomach and it can reach (depending on my intolerance) measure what the head of a child would measure.

The walls of my stomach thicken and become rigid, the stomach is no longer that tender pink and flexible bag, why? Because I stopped being flexible to digest my life. So the stomach does the same.

That internal tumor is nothing more than the symbolic representation of everything that I do not digest. And the only way to reduce said small but rigid tumor or tumors is by changing my attitudes.

emotional charges

Reducing my emotional burdens, my stress, being more flexible, less emasculating, less rigid, less intolerant because I have to reach the point of digesting experiences, accepting life with what comes without carrying more than I can carry.

Drop some responsibilities, learn to delegate loads, relax more. That is the only way for my tumor to shrink to a digestible size and for me to continue with my life more relaxed.

When I am already living the resolution phase due to my changes in attitude, I should expect pain, night sweats, encapsulation of said small tumors and caseation (necrosis, destruction) of the tumor if it was large.

I can present bleeding, I can cough up red blood or evacuate black blood. I can also feel chills.

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If the tumor is encapsulated, I can live with it without discomfort, as long as it doesn’t “get in the way” of the actual food I eat and block its path. If it’s already encapsulated, I can resort to surgery to remove it without problem.

Symptom: reflux

The emotional cause is the same as in the previous cases but here is a combination of those conflicts with one more element: I would like to spit out that bad thing that I swallowed and that I cannot digest.

And we return to the same thing, intolerance, changes in plans, inflexibility, etc. The problem here is that stomach acid goes up into the esophagus and can literally BURN IT DOWNAnd that is where the risk lies. And don’t think that “spit” will always be literal. Remember that almost everything is symbolic.

  • Someone offended me and I did not answer (I did not spit)
  • I didn’t like how I worked today, I could do better but I kept it quiet, I didn’t say anything or do anything (I didn’t spit)

In cases of reflux, there are things in our lives that do not fully fill us, that we do not like at all, that we do not fully digest but “We pretend nothing is wrong” and yes it happens The stomach knows that you did not digest something 100% and “spits” for you.

spit acid

So that what you swallowed but that you do not fully digest is undone. Therefore, if we think for a few minutes and become aware, we can discover that any problem in the stomach will be related to intolerance, to different degrees of course.

Let’s be more flexible, let’s be more tolerant, or even outright, let’s move away from those people, from those relationships, from those jobs that we simply “can’t digest”.

If we are one of the people who “carry” all the responsibilities, let’s learn to deny ourselves, to delegate… because our health and life is even at risk.

So things…

Elizabeth Romero Sanchez and Edgar Romero Franco.