The head is my communication center, it is linked to my individuality. It is often called the “command center”. All my emotions and all my communications pass through it, through my five senses. If I experience difficulties or illnesses of the head, I must ask myself if I live a conflict regarding my thoughts and my spiritual life or my personal growth. This is explained by the fact that the head is made up of bones that are made of hard tissue and that symbolize my spiritual energy, and that these bones surround soft tissue and fluids, which symbolize my mental and emotional energies. If both aspects are in harmony, there will be fusion of my body and my mind. However, if the blood that is in my head does not circulate well or if it exerts pressure, this indicates that I have difficulty expressing or receiving love and all the feelings that inhabit me (because the blood carries my feelings throughout my body ).


The head has a direct relationship with the I am. Having a headache (especially on top of it) means that the person hits it with devaluing “I”. There are several causes to headaches. For example, stress and tension when I try as hard as I can “to be” in a certain way or “to make” such thing.

What is the emotional conflict that is experienced?
The person who has a headache accuses himself of not being this or that and, above all, of not being intelligent enough; too much is demanded. Often says or thinks or several of the following expressions: “I’m breaking my head”, “I’m fed up”, “I don’t know where my head is”, “I’m head over heels”, “I’m hard-headed” or “I have the hard head”, “I hit the wall”, “I have it in my head”, “I have lost my mind”.
It is despised instead of appreciated. For those who have the impression that their head is going to explode, the message is to stop accumulating so many things in it for fear of the judgment of others regarding what it is or is not. It is possible that it is a person who does not accept himself, who accuses himself of being too thoughtless. It can also be a person who is afraid of “go to the head”that is, to be in front, to be the first, or to show the direction.
Having a headache, especially in the forehead, indicates to this person that they are trying too hard to understand everything. You must give your intellect time to accumulate enough data in your memory so that your intelligence can make a synthesis and understand.


The headache frequently appears when I try too hard to do something or when I am obsessed with what is coming and worry about what awaits me in the future. I live in this moment a lot of anxiety and worry. This way I can react to strong pressures exerted by situations or events that surround me. I can live an intense feeling of failure, doubt, self-hatred that gives life to criticism and, above all, self-criticism. I’m caught “boxed in” in my head, I don’t like what I see, and I judge myself severely, giving myself – the same “bumps in the head”. The headache can also come from the denial and the suppression of my thoughts and feelings that I find unacceptable or disapproved of. Either I don’t have the courage to express them, or I simply don’t listen to them, because I rationalize, intellectualize everything I experience. “This is right, this is wrong!” Perhaps I want to understand too much, go too fast, want to know or have answers to my questions right away. But perhaps the time has not yet come and I must develop my patience and my confidence that everything happens at the right time. The headache also expresses negative emotions that are “caught in the trap” in my head, such as insecurity, torment, excessive ambitions, the obsession to be perfect, which cause blood dilation.

Being the seat of four of the five senses, the head is a very important part of the body. When you’re in pain, it prevents you from seeing, hearing and smelling good, and saying what meets your true needs, which keeps you from who you want to be.


How is that biological emotion released?
You must establish contact with your i am true, that is, what you are at that moment. You have to stop forcing yourself to be what you think others want you to be. Relax your mind, stop wanting to mentally understand everything and allow yourself to be more you. If you use one or some of the above expressions, realize that the fear hidden behind them is not good for you.

A headache at the level of the forehead it will refer more to a situation at work or linked to my social role, but if it is located laterally (near the temples), it is rather my emotional side (family, partner) that is involved. Whatever the cause, the headache is directly linked to my individuality and I must learn to be more patient and flexible towards myself and others. “My ideas are becoming clearer”, and I am learning to give the place that corresponds to both my intellect and my emotions, in order to achieve balance. Then I will be more in harmony with myself, my head will feel freer and lighter.


Common migraine is characterized by violent onset of severe pain on one side of the head, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting, which can last from hours to several days. It can appear preceded by visual disturbances. There is also accompanied migraine, which is much more serious, since it can also affect the visual field and speech.

This disease has a direct relationship with the I AM of the affected person. In general, it manifests itself in the person who does not grant himself the right to be what he wants, even before the migraine appears. For example: a teenager wanted to BE an artist, but she allowed herself to be convinced by her parents to study another career. She suffered from migraines to the extent that she had not given herself the right to go in the desired direction. Migraines are frequently associated with vision and digestion disorders. I no longer want to see and I don’t want to digest what happens in my life. They are anxieties, frustration in the face of a situation in which I am unable to make a decision.


What is the emotional conflict that is experienced?
Migraines occur in the person who feels guilty for daring to question those who have a lot of influence over him. She may not even be aware of what she really wants. She often lives in the “I can’t”, to the point of living in someone’s shadow. In addition, people who suffer from migraines often have difficulties in their sexual life because they are not in touch with their creative power, symbolized by the region of the genital organs. There is conflict between my thoughts, my overloaded intellect, my personal needs and desires. Do I feel up to it or do I have the feeling of being incompetent, especially on an intellectual level?

How is that biological emotion released?
You have to ask yourself the following question: “If all the circumstances had been or were perfect around me, what would I have wanted? Be or what do I want Be?”. Next, observe what has prevented you from manifesting it up to this moment and you will discover the way of thinking that harms you, that prevents you from being yourself. You no longer need to believe that depending on others you will be more loved. Also grant yourself the right to have those fears and to take the time necessary to reach your goal.

I must become aware that I am running away from what bothers me or that I feel misunderstood and a lack of love from someone. I must understand that when I have a migraine, I have an awareness to do. I must change things and I must be able to change them, that is to say, to take action. By giving myself a migraine break, it can also be a way to get more love and attention. I let events flow freely in my life and receive joy, peace, harmony in return.

Source: The Great Dictionary of Ailments and Diseases – Jacques Martel