Effective treatment for calcifications

Calcification is a gradual buildup of calcium in body tissue, causing the tissue to harden. It occurs when the calcium that accumulates in the body is not well dissolved by the blood and is deposited in other areas of the body such as muscle tissue, tendon, etc.

Some of the most common injuries caused by calcifications are calcifying tendinitis of the shoulder, calcifying epicondylitis, calcaneal spurs, etc.

To solve these problems and for the person to return to activities of daily living as quickly as possible, the best solution is shock wave treatment with scientifically proven efficacy.

They are pneumatically generated waves that are applied superficially to soft tissues with a maximum penetration of 40 mm. This technique is non-invasive, very safe and painless. It does not require surgical intervention or associated risks. It is done without drugs or side effects. It is an extracorporeal treatment: simple, fast, safe and effective. Quick results are obtained with a very high success rate and improve the quality of life

Performance of the physiological effects of Shock Waves

They cause microscopic interstitial and extracellular biological effects that produce a mechano-translation that promotes tissue regeneration. From this general physiological effect the following effects are produced: analgesic effects, anti-inflammatory effects, increased vascularization, activation of the formation of new blood vessels and elimination of fragmentation of calcium deposits.

If you need more information, our professionals will provide it to you at the clinic itself or on the website

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Injuries where shock wave therapy is recommended:

– Calcific tendonitis of the shoulder

– Calcaneal spur.

– plantar fasciitis

– Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)

– Chronic tendonitis and tendinopathies.

– Calcifying tendinopathies

– Tendonitis/Tendinosis of the Achilles tendon

– Patellar tendinopathy

– Subacromial shoulder syndrome

– Trigger points

– Osgood-Schlatter disease

– Greater trochanteric pain syndrome

– Medial stress syndrome of the tibia

– Radicular and pseudoradicular lumbar pain

– Idiopathic low back pain

– Spasticity

– Primary and secondary lymphedema

– Hip pain

– Jumper’s knee

– Achilles enthesitis

– Pseudoarthrosis and delayed consolidation of fractures.

– Post-traumatic muscle fibrosis

– Osteochondritis and avascular necrosis

At Clínica Élite they propose fully personalized treatments suitable for each person. Its hallmark is close treatment, rigorous diagnosis and effective treatment.