Early detection of secondary dementias makes it possible to reverse them

Around the 10% of all dementias are treatable and reversible. are the calls secondary dementiasthose of which the cause that triggers them is knownunlike the primary ones, as is the case of Alzheimer’s, as highlighted by the experts participating in
he XIV Refresher Course in Psychogeriatrics. organized by the Sagrat Cor de Martorell Hospital of Sisters Hospitallers.

The secondary dementias may be due to multiple factors, such as metabolic disorders (such as changes in calcium levels, liver, kidney or lung failure syndromes…), endocrine diseases (hypo and hyperthyroidism, etc.) or toxic consumption (drugs, alcohol…), among many others.

As explained by the Dr. Domenec Gilneurologist at the Hospital Sagrat Cor de Martorell, a person with hyperthyroidism can develop dementiawhich manifests itself with attention deficit, memory impairment, restlessness, irritability and emotional instability. In the same way, according to the specialist, a vitamin B12 deficiency can give rise to symptoms very similar to those early stages of Alzheimer’s diseasesuch as inattention and memory deficits.

Likewise, the doctor Juan Carlos Cejudoa neuropsychologist at the Dementia Diagnostic Unit of the Sagrat Cor de Martorell Hospital, pointed out that the body’s autoimmune response when suffering from cancer can lead to a picture of cognitive deteriorationEspecially in the case of a brain tumor.

In secondary dementias the evolution of cognitive deterioration is very rapid

Experts agree that of all secondary dementias the most prevalent is normotensive hydrocephaluswhich is caused by a cerebrospinal fluid retention. Some of its symptoms include cognitive impairment with memory loss, inattention, and apathy. This dementia is treated with neurosurgery, through the implantation of a drain valve which enables remove excess fluid from the brain.

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The importance of early detection

In secondary dementias, when the underlying disease is treated, the dementia picture gradually reverts and, in many cases, the person regains their normal cognitive function. Thus, early detection is very important. “Both health professionals and patients’ relatives often have a nihilistic attitude towards this problem, that is, they believing that it is an incurable insanitythe patient may not receive the treatment they should”, says the doctor manel sanchezdeputy medical director of and promoter of these conferences. According to this specialist, performing appropriate diagnostic tests it is essential to address these disorders, since, if dementia persists for a long period of time, it can become irreversible.

Dr. Cejudo points out that a characteristic feature that can be very useful for the detection of secondary dementias is that the evolution cognitive decline is very rapid. “If the loss of cognitive functions in Alzheimer’s disease is progressive and can last for years, in secondary dementias, in a matter of a few months, a person can go from completely normal cognitive performance to severely impaired”, he assures.

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