Earache Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

The pathologies that are linked to the ears may have to do with an infection, an injury, a wound in the ear or an accumulation of earwax. The most frequent problems are otitis, mastoiditis, inflammation, eczema, otaliga and deafness.

Earache Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

It can be temporary or permanent. Every symptom or disease has to do with our unconscious. What is the emotional significance of ear pain?

Whatever the pathology that involves the ear, it prevents us from hearing completely, as in the case of deafness, or we cannot hear normally, as occurs in other pathologies. There is an emotional blockage that prevents words from reaching our ears, pain appearing as a symptom.

separation conflict

“Separation conflict. I am separated or I do not want to separate myself from the words of…” I feel attacked (deafness). What they tell me or hear attacks what I think or feel. I want to separate myself from these insulting words that bother me in understanding my life.

  • Right ear: “I don’t hear something I want to hear.”
  • Left ear: “I hear something I don’t want to hear.”

page 382 Joan Marc Vilanova i Pujó Biodecoding Dictionary

person judges too much

“Any problem that prevents you from hearing well is an indication that what you hear and feel a lot of internal anger. He seeks to cover his ears so as not to hear. Ear infections are becoming more frequent in babies, because newborns find it difficult to hear reprimands from adults”

Lisa Bourbeau page 381

I feel hurt, anguished by what I heard…
I feel like I like them…
I perceive that they attack what I feel and believe..
I feel angry or irritated by what I heard…
I feel like they criticize me…
I feel helpless…


The solution to these emotions that I cannot process is: ear pain, whatever the pathology, up to deafness. What do we not want to hear?

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Those of us who hear do not like it, there is something we do not want to find out. That makes us feel attacked and makes us angry, anger, rage, pain, sadness, helplessness. What we hear hurts us or makes us feel guilty.

As it is our right ear, it has more to do with sounds coming from outside. I don’t hear what I would like to hear, what I long for I don’t hear. If, on the contrary, it is the left ear, there is something I want to get out of myself or I want the other to hear something from me.


In the case of deafness, it can be the words of a person who are bothering you, hurting you, blaming you and you prefer to “close” your ears to face that person or situation. Avoiding conflict with that person but at the same time you don’t “want to listen anymore” causes the symptom to appear.

All the accumulated emotions that produce those words that you don’t want to hear, be it anger, anger, manifest in the body in earaches.

In children, earaches are a frequent symptom, since many times when faced with a reprimand, emotions arise: anger, sadness, frustration that the child cannot express and manifests itself in the body.

Emotional meaning according to the location of the symptom in the ear

If the problem is located in the outer ear the conflict is linked to not wanting to listen. It may have to do with a person or the environment. There’s something I don’t want to hear.

When the problem is in the middle ear the emotional conflict is related to the relationship with the mother. It is something that I do not accept, it may have to do with criticism, mockery, promises. It may also have to do with the need to hear loving words from the mother.

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He inner ear It has to do with a programming related to the project felt from 6 months before being conceived up to 3 years. It is related to separation conflicts.

Parents lived these emotions at that stage of my life. I can’t stand not hearing something that I liked or may be happening that I can’t stand in my daily life, whether it comes from people or noises around me.

Being aware of the symptom

It is important to become aware of the moment in which the earache symptom arises, in front of what situation or people. Whose words do I not want to hear? What emotions did you experience and did not verbalize that made you feel anger, anger, hurt or guilt or any emotion that you did not express.

If you manage to identify the moment in which the symptom appeared, the circumstances or context and in front of which people, you have already taken a big step.

It is important that you manage to connect with your emotions that emerge in the face of that situation, person or context. If you feel anger, anger, fear, anger, allow yourself to feel that emotion and what it is communicating.

How Can I change?

After identifying what the earache is trying to tell us, what is the meaning behind the symptom and identifying the emotions, what are you feeling in front of that situation or person, anger? fear? blame? pain?.

If you have identified the conflict in your present life, linked to something or someone in particular, it is necessary to start facing the situation to try to change it. But you will wonder how I do it?

following your emotions

Communicating them without fear of what others think or how they act. Communicating your feelings in the face of a certain situation or person without fear of being judged.

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Closing your ears or pain in your ears does not solve the problem, it only causes discomfort in your body. Only if you face it are you able to find a solution.

Always . Let’s not forget that the other is always a mirror in front of whom we project our unconscious, be it pleasant or unpleasant.

What is that other or that situation teaching me? why does it make me angry or irritated? Why do your words hurt me? What about me in “that other” that mobilizes me so much to the point of not wanting to listen?

we don’t want to hear

Seen that way those words that “” are offering us a learning opportunity. That learning may have to do with making myself heard, making me respect what I think or my needs.

That learning may also have to do with setting a limit to a situation that I am experiencing as a problem. I learn to set a limit and with that I value myself as a human being. Always listening, and listening allows enrichment and personal growth and learning.

Maybe it’s myself who I’m not listening to, I don’t listen to my needs, my desires. In any case, I do not judge myself or the other, I forgive myself and forgive.

As we developed previously, the symptom may also have to do with the middle ear and therefore be linked to a programming that is more linked to the felt project, to the experiences of our parents from before your birth to the age of three.

Therefore it is important to analyze the emotion, our current life but also our history and that of our family tree to see if these emotions have to do with our ancestors.
