Durcal: a watch with a GPS locator that detects falls

The Durcal watch is the only device on the market that has a help button and an intelligent fall detection system connected to an emergency center that works both inside and outside the home. In addition, its simple handling reduces the technological gap among the older population.

According to INE data, more than 2 million people over the age of 65 live alone. Despite the fact that technology is advancing at a dizzying pace, its implementation and usefulness remains difficult for the elderly sector.

The Durcal watch has a help button and an intelligent fall detection system connected to an emergency center

Therefore, thanks to this device and through the application of Durcalthe Spanish platform for remote family care created by Guillem Viladomatall family members who download it for free will be able to check at all times where the relative who wears the watch is, keep track of their daily activity, check vital signs such as pulse, blood oxygen or body temperature and receive notifications when they arrive or leave their usual places. Besides, works autonomously without the need to carry your mobile with you.

According to a study of , current instant messaging solutions do not match the technological skills of the elderly and, therefore, are not helpful in strengthening family ties. In this sense, Durcal is presented as the link that facilitates the intra-family communication and protection through intuitive and easy-to-use technology.

Clock Main Features

  • Smart fall warning: If a fall occurs, the watch automatically detects it and sends a notice to the family through the application.
  • Microphone, speaker and mobile coverage: The clock coverage allows you to receive emergency calls and answer them without the need for a phone thanks to its integrated microphone and speaker.
  • Smart fall warning: If a fall occurs, the watch automatically detects it and sends a notice to the family through the application.
  • Notices of arrival and departure: Receive notifications when they arrive or leave their usual places.
  • Measurement of steps and routes: Follow-up of the daily activity of your relative.
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