In a world where success and power are increasingly valued, it’s easy to be tempted to push others down in order to excel. However, what we often don’t understand is that you don’t shine by turning off others, but you shine by uplifting and supporting others.

True brilliance does not come from turning off the light of others, but from finding our own inner light and allowing it to shine with all its intensity. By focusing on our own evolution and growth, we stop worrying about controlling or comparing ourselves to others, allowing everyone to shine together in harmony.

The society we live in can be challenging, full of competition and social differences. Sometimes it can feel like our wings are clipped and our voices are muffled. However, it is important to remember that we always have the ability to turn on the inner light of hope and courage. By doing so, we will not only illuminate our own path, but will also be a guide to those around us.

We can’t have light without darkness

Darkness is an integral part of life and its existence cannot be denied. However, many times we try to avoid or suppress it, believing that if we do, we will be able to achieve a constant light. But this is not true. Darkness is essential to appreciate light. It is in the darkest moments that we learn to value and appreciate the light.


Darkness is also essential for our growth and development. It is in difficult situations that we are challenged to overcome our fears and limitations, and it is through these challenges that we become stronger and wiser.

Instead of trying to avoid the darkness, we must learn to accept it and work through it. Only then can we achieve a brighter light and a fuller life.

Discovering our own darkness to shine brighter

In our life, it is common to find moments of difficulty and darkness. However, it is important to remember that these moments are also opportunities to grow and learn.

Negativity and limiting thoughts

Negativity and limiting thoughts are two of the main dark areas that we can have in our minds and that can prevent us from shining with all our strength. Negativity is reflected in language and the way we see things, while limiting thoughts are those that prevent us from believing in ourselves and our abilities.

To reverse these dark zones, it is important to be aware of when we are thinking negatively or limitingly, and to work on changing those thought patterns. One way to do this is through meditation and visualization, as well as through the practice of gratitude and self-acceptance. In addition, it is important to surround yourself with positive people and activities, and avoid those that make us fall into the cycle of negativity.

Fears and insecurities

There are innate fears that help keep us safe, like not crossing a red street or walking away from a cliff. However, we also accumulate unfounded fears that limit us and prevent us from reaching our goals and dreams. These irrational fears can be just as powerful as instinctual fears and prevent us from taking action, causing us to miss important opportunities in life. It is essential to be aware of these fears and work to overcome them in order to move towards our goals and achieve our dreams.


Lack of self-esteem and self-confidence

When we have low self-esteem, we underestimate ourselves and believe that we are not worthy of reaching our goals. This can lead to insecurity and doubt in our abilities, which prevents us from taking action and moving towards our goals. On the other hand, when we lack self-confidence, we doubt our decisions and do not trust our ability to achieve what we set out to do. It is important to work on our self-esteem and self-confidence, through reflection and self-knowledge, the practice of self-affirmation, and exposure to challenging situations.

We have the ability to be a positive force in the world, inspiring and helping others achieve their goals and dreams. Let’s not be afraid to be vulnerable and to show our true nature, that is what makes us unique and special. Don’t forget, instead of trying to be the best version of someone else, work on being the best version of yourself. I wish you the best on your path to success and personal fulfillment.

“People who help others shine know that there is room for everyone.”

By Aleja Bama