Does sleeping lose weight? This and other myths about food and obesity answered by specialists

Like every March 4, today is World Obesity Day, which, convened by the and its world members, seeks to summon the population about the damage that excess weight entails for the .

The has become a serious problem in Spain. According to the data of the Spanish Obesity Society (SEEDO), more than half of the Spanish population is overweight or obese.

These figures indicate that the rates of excess weight continue to be alarming and have even increased after the pandemic.

And it is that almost half of the citizens admit that they do not do any type of physical exercise or spend less than an hour a week, when the WHO recommends at least two and a half hours (150 minutes) a week.

For this reason, during World Obesity Day, the president of the (SEMI), the doctor Juana Carreteroexplains that it is very important to emphasize one of the most repeated questions in endocrinology consultations. No, you don’t have to go hungry to lose weight..

The specialist indicates that “in order to maintain a healthy weight, while being well fed and not going hungry, it is essential to choose what we are going to eat well.”

Therefore, the first thing we have to do is “eat five times a day”.

And in those meals you must not forget to include protein. And why is it so important that it is present at each and every meal? It is very simple, it generates a feeling of satiety.

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“For those moments of weakness in which you think that hunger can overcome you, always choose a healthy snack, raw nuts, vegetables, carrots, fruit (apple, pear, banana… or any other seasonal fruit.” In addition, you should opt for cooking for foods that provide little fat, such as steam, oven or salad.

Being obese doubles the risk of heart failure

  • “It is not necessary to go hungry to maintain a healthy weight, it is important to think and make good food choices and enjoy eating healthy to maintain a healthy weight.”

Neither can we speak of obesity “due to a lack of will”, since it is often related to other factors, such as genetics, predisposing diseases, drugs, as well as the cultural and social environment.

Olive oil is very good… but not excessively

This is another of the most widespread beliefs. We all know that extra virgin olive oil, the greatest exponent of our Mediterranean diet, is heart-healthy, since it is a healthy fat with important benefits for our body. However, when it comes to your consumption, there is no open bar.

As with most foods, anything in excess is bad. This is what the doctor says Pablo Perez Martinez.

“Yes, it is true that virgin olive oil is the healthiest fat that exists, and it has been shown that it can prevent cardiovascular diseases; but, like the rest of the fats, its caloric contribution is not negligible”.

Olive oil is one of the healthiest and most cardioprotective fats WORLD OLIVE OIL CONGRESS

Within a varied and balanced diet, virgin olive oil should be consumed daily, but to replace other types of fats, such as animal or trans fats, which abound, above all, in ultra-processed foods that are also loaded with sugar and refined flours. “Consumption of olive oil yes, also in people who are overweight and obese.”

Does the fruit make you fat?

Fruit is one of the most converted foods because there is an unwritten rule that it is fattening, especially if it is eaten as a dessert after lunch or dinner.

For this reason, the doctor lola lopez, is blunt on this aspect: it is not scientifically rigorous. “Fruit contains fructose which, like glucose, is a simple sugar and has the same number of calories (4 per gram).”

“The difference of fructose lies in its properties and when it is mixed with fiber it does not generate so many insulin spikes and the body is not given the signal to accumulate energy in the form of fat. And fruit is a good way to end a meal and allows us to avoid other foods richer in fat or carbohydrates”.

And what happens in hypocaloric diets? Well, it is recommended to separate it from food and take it mid-morning or mid-afternoon, but it is important to make it clear that fruit “is a healthy option, better fresh than dehydrated and, if possible, that it be in season and local.”

Eating apples with skin helps intestinal transit Kamran Aidinov

Does sleeping make you fat?

People who sleep less than five hours a day are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who sleep around seven hours. And this has been proven, highlights the doctor Francisco Xavier Carrasco.

  • “People who sleep less than four hours can have a 70% increase in the probability of developing overweight or obesity and this is reduced to 25% when they sleep less than six hours.”

The explanation is very simple. Our body is capable of burning approximately one calorie per kilo of weight and hour of sleep.

If we take into account that a person weighs 80 kilos (80 kilocalories for 7 hours of sleep), they would burn about 560 calories during the night. “Sleeping we burn more calories than being awake, lying down doing nothing.”

Therefore, we must demystify the fact that sleep makes you fat, because it is the opposite.

Experts recommend a quality sleep and with a few minimum hours (the World Health Organization advises a minimum of six hours a day in the case of adults) to maintain balance and performance.

Vegetables, key to a balanced diet that allows us to lose weight.

No, there are no miracle diets

Although much has been written on this aspect, it is essential to remember that the so-called miracle diets that circulate on the Internet have no scientific basis.

The doctor Paul Miramontesalso an internist at SEMI, points out that “they base their success on a great dietary restriction that can lead us to deficiency states that are bad for our health, so whenever we want to lose weight we must put ourselves in the hands of a professional who will propose a proper diet for us.

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