Do psoriasis and eczema affect mental health? –

The psoriasis and eczema They are chronic diseases that manifest themselves in the skin. They cause rashes that cause itching in different parts of the body. However, beyond the physical symptoms, there is a psychological impact that can be serious and is more difficult to perceive.

Research on these skin problems directly relates them to emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. Despite this, until now its impact on mental health and how to solve it has been somewhat left aside.

For this reason, international associations have emerged such as the IFPA (International Federation of Psoriasis Associations) dedicated to the study of the relationship between psoriasis disease and anxiety and depression.

What is the impact of eczema and psoriasis on mood?

According to a report from the IFPA, approximately 25% of psoriasis patients show symptoms of depression, while about 50% suffer from anxiety. They are diseases that affect physical appearance, that influence how others see us and our own self-perception.

As the report notes: “The stigma and self-stigma experienced by people with psoriatic disease undermines self-confidence and exacerbates depression.” Furthermore, the eczema and psoriasis flare-ups They can lead to feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness.

Other studies have corroborated that both psoriasis and hand eczema are significantly related to anxiety and depression. More specifically, psoriasis is associated, in many cases, with suicidal thoughts, anger attacks and low self-esteem.

It should also be noted that the relationship between both skin pathologies and these mood disorders is bidirectional. That is, psoriasis and eczema can cause depression and vice versa. The same happens in the case of anxiety.

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How to fight the psychological implications of psoriasis and eczema

Those affected by these pathologies point out the importance of the Internet as an educational tool, as well as some of its specific applications, such as certain groups that can serve as support for feelings of anxiety and depression. Chat and vent with people going through the same problem It is very comforting for them.

The report to which we refer demonstrates that effective medical treatment of psoriasis improves mental health, with a decreased depressive symptoms and anxiety levels.

An early diagnosis, rigorous control of the disease and timely psychological intervention is the best formula for well-being and protection of mental health.

Depending on the severity of the disorder and how it affects the subject in their daily life, psychological therapy can be of great help to identify triggering factors and offer management and coping solutions.

He psychological treatment It can help you manage your stress levels, accept your problem and learn to explain your illness, improve your social relationships, combat low self-esteem, etc.
