Do men have their days too?

Stomach cramps, mood swings and hot spells are typical signs that a woman or man is reaching that time of the month. For men? Yes, man. A driven by found that a quarter of men believe they experience monthly “man periods,” where they suffer premenstrual symptoms ranging from cramps to cravings.

Jed Diamond, therapist and author of “, has explored the existence of the “period” in men in the past and believes that they too have hormonal cycles. Contrary to popular belief, men become more violent when their testosterone levels drop, where irritability, depression and withdrawal come with a deficiency of the hormone. Testosterone levels in young men can fluctuate up to 4 times daily. What is less clear, however, is how these levels vary day to day and week to week.

To explore this men’s period phenomenon, VoucherCloud asked participants (1,250 men and 1,250 women) if they frequently suffered from the same common PMS side effects that women experience during their menstrual period (tiredness, cramps, and increased sensitivity, among others).

The results revealed that 26% of men experience these feelings regularly, while 58% of their female partners believed this really happened to them. Men identified many symptoms related to PMS as signs that announced the arrival of their “men’s period,” such as constant hunger or general irritability. 12% of men confessed to becoming sensitive about their weight, while 5% suffered from cramps such as menstrual cramps.

26% of men experience these feelings regularly

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Additionally, 43% of women said they had offered special support to their partners during this period of the month. When asked how they supported them, 44% of them said they tried to cheer them up and 39% said they were very careful if the man was sensitive. Of those women who didn’t believe men had a man’s period, 33% told their partners to behave like men.

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In relation to expenses while in the male period, the average money spent was 81.51 (pounds sterling, remember that the study is British) on food and snacks per month, including takeaway, compared to those who did not. believed in the phenomenon (who spent an additional 63.69 to calm the increased desire for food). Men who did believe they suffered from menstrual syndromes reported spending an extra $97.35 per month to combat their cravings.

A A similar study, carried out in 2011, found that the female menstrual cycle does have an influence on the expenses they make.

You’re probably wondering if they synchronize their periods too. Don’t worry, according to Diamond, in her research they did not observe that men’s “periods” synchronized like women’s do.

Some professionals are skeptical about this issue and the truth is that more research is needed. Meanwhile, if you see a man in a bad mood and very hungry, understand, he may be in his day.
