Did you dream about sea water? We tell you what its meaning is

So, we want to share with you what it means to dream about sea water.

If you dream, for example, that you are taking a walk on the beach without much sun or bad weather, the sea is calm and the waves come and go with a soft murmur, this may give you an idea of ​​​​the interpretation of that dream, but you must pay attention to the details.

First, because the water you dream about may not have the ability to clean the inside if it is dirty or drags a lot of trash into the sand. It can also be very frustrating to dream about sea water when you are very thirsty. It is also not a very positive dream if there are dead fish in the water or even if you find fish trying to survive out of the water.

Among other negative interpretations is dreaming of turbulent sea water, giant waves or strong tsunamis that destroy everything. How do you feel when you are by the sea? small? Are you able to interact with your environment face to face? Focus on your emotions, on what your dream conveys because they will give you the key to knowing if it is a dream that indicates an internal conflict or, on the contrary, an experience that helps you find calm.

Normally, dreaming of sea water means calm and well-being. Surely you will be able to realize while you are in the dream how you are feeling safer, more confident and happy according to how you are getting into that sea in which you can swim calmly towards your freedom.

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