Increased frequency of defecation with liquid or semi-liquid stools.
The meaning of suffering from diarrhea is to quickly eliminate the waste, the excess, the “dirty”. Water is always related to our “” and “mom”.
On the physical level, diarrhea occurs because the body rejects food before it can assimilate what it needs and what is good for it.
On the mental and emotional planes, the affected person also does the same. It is very difficult for him to assimilate and accept what comes from the outside because he has an excessively critical spirit that objections to everything.
He is very saturated with information, data, experiences, but he does not entertain himself to study analytically, to assimilate, to be able to extract what is useful, instead he rejects it without digesting it, like food.
If I don’t know how to say “enough”, if I can’t say “no”, when I am given information, an order, a meal… the intestine refuses to digest and everything comes out the same as it came in.
“I don’t know how to say ‘no’ to what annoys me.”
Conflict that must be eliminated urgently. Someone has hurt us and we are angry and outraged.
For example, when I do something for someone and that person, instead of reciprocating my help or thanking me, treats me badly, cheats on me, or betrays me.
That is to say, I give him my best and I receive garbage, “shit”, that’s how he pays me.
Diarrhea is a way of not integrating reality. A refusal to assimilate an experience considered toxic, a “game”.
“I do not accept the unacceptable.”
“I have swallowed a filth that I do not want to digest.”
“I have eaten filth”, but not physical, but psychic.
It can also be caused by fear or the desire to avoid or flee from a totally unpleasant or new situation or reality. I get a lot of new ideas and I don’t have time to integrate them.
I have the impression that life demands too much of me and I am afraid of not being up to the task, of not being able to do well and therefore of being rejected. I have fear in my guts. I reject myself, I blame myself and I’m desperate!
Frequently, diarrhea can also occur in people who feel they are going through “trouble”, who are afraid of poverty and who worry about everything.
That is why some people when they travel to poor third world countries have diarrhea. It may be an unconscious projection of their fear, as well as being disturbed by what they are seeing.
Another cause that can give me diarrhea is when I feel “examined” by someone or I am examining or controlling someone so that they don’t cheat on me, so that they don’t betray me.
If it affects the (soft stools) diarrhea also expresses impatience, a desire to end something related to one’s life: (acceleration of peristalsis). I want to speed things up.
“I want to end that once and for all.”
“I must have it all finished before I start.”
traveler’s diarrhea: Conflict of wanting to cleanse himself of the new for being too attached to his territory and way of life.
This type of diarrhea occurs when the baby perceives a bad relationship with the mother.
An upset, angry, upset mother who rejects him, etc. And that therefore she does not give the child the love that he requires at that moment. It’s not the food, it’s the mother’s attitude. The mother’s conflicts will always be projected onto the baby.
Diarrhea in children: “I’m scared”.
This type of diarrhea is common to occur before an exam, a vacation, an artistic presentation, etc.
In most cases we should analyze the activity that the child will carry out the next day or in the hours that follow, there will always be a child’s fear of failing, losing, not doing it well, etc.
If it is not about this, it will reflect a conflict that the mother is experiencing related to what we have discussed previously and projects it onto the child.
Diarrhea is a healing process from a little “dirty” emotional conflict, accompanied by disgust, fear and anger.
Symbolically, he wants to express: “I finally get the filth out of my body.”
Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:
Through diarrhea we can become aware of our lack of self-esteem.
We have to learn to nurture ourselves with good thoughts, to love ourselves and to feel deserving of all that is good.
We need to become aware of our tendency to criticize and learn to observe things without prejudice, from the heart.
We must recover the necessary flexibility to contemplate events.
Hearing what we are told before responding, taking time to soak up the juices and benefits of a situation and allowing the things that need to happen to happen.
I trust in life. I feel safe.
If you want to know more about the emotional origin of diseases or know about the purpose of the soul, you can purchase my books by clicking on the Amazon link: