Definition of the week: Lamaze Method

The Lamaze method is used to prepare people for the moment of childbirth. It is a combination of several techniques to control pain, such as relaxation (breathing and relaxation techniques at the muscle level), distraction (focusing attention on something else) and counterstimulation (through gentle massages).

Worthington et al. (1983, cited in Myers, 2006) trained women with the Lamaze method and made them tolerate pain more easily by dipping their hand in ice water. Tolerance increased when the trainers encouraged them (just as husbands or family members do with a woman when giving birth).

There are several investigations that have found some benefits when using this method, such as . Other findings suggest that . It can also help women giving birth for the first time.


Delke I, Minkoff H, Grunebaum A (1985), .

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HUGHEY, M., McELIN, T., YOUNG, T. (1978), .

LI Xiao-wen,HE Yi-hui,WANG Jian-ping,LU Yan-yan,WU Yan,LIN An-yun (2010), .

Myers, D. (2006), Psychology 7th edition. Panamericana Medical Editorial:Madrid

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