DBT Skills in Less than 5 Minutes (Videos)

The Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) clinic at Rutgers University put together a series of very good videos that explain in less than 5 minutes the key concepts of the core skills that are part of DBT skills training. I really liked the videos because they are very easy to understand (they are in English, but you can activate the automatic translation that is in the YouTube player) and they are very useful to use in the workshops, both online and in person.

It is an interpersonal skill that is used when you want to make a request and increase the probability of getting a “yes” answer. DEAR MAN is an acronym to help clients remember each of the skills that comprise it: describe (D), express (E), affirm (A), reinforce (R), be mindful (M), appear confident ( A) and negotiates (N).

Another interpersonal effectiveness skill and is used to improve or maintain a relationship with another person. This skill can be used to make a request or to say “no.” The acronym GIVE stands for: Be Gentle (G), Show Interest (I), Validate (V), and Equanimous or Show a Calm Demeanor (E).

FAST is a skill designed to maintain or increase self-respect in interpersonal interactions. It is an acronym for: Be Fair (F), Don’t Apologize (A), Stand Firm in Your Values ​​(S), and Be Honest (T).

Mindfulness “what” skills
This skill teaches clients “what” to do when they are practicing mindfulness and is made up of three sub-skills:

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  1. Notice sensations, thoughts and stimuli in the present moment.
  2. Describe the experience without judgment.
  3. Participating means immersing yourself in the activity you are doing and becoming one with the experience. It’s basically the opposite of multitasking.

Mindfulness “how to” skills
This skill teaches how to observe, describe and participate, and is also made up of other sub-skills:

  1. No judgment.
  2. Oneness (one with the present moment).
  3. Effectiveness (being effective rather than winning or being right).

It is an emotional regulation skill that helps reduce vulnerability and increases the resilience of clients. PLEASE is an acronym for: take care of your physical health (PL), balanced diet (E), avoid drugs and alcohol (A), balanced sleep (S) and exercise (E).