Cystitis: the infection of the wet swimsuit skyrockets in summer and can it be prevented with blueberries?

The cystitis is a bladder infection caused by some microorganisms passing from the urethra to the bladderand directly affects .

At this time of year, cystitis is more common due to:

  • The temperature changes between the water of the pool or the beach and the outside

  • The biggest sweating

  • The wetness of swimsuits that favor the growth of microorganisms and bacteria that affect certain areas and, especially, the vaginal area.

It affects women more than men

Women are more prone to this pathology for a key reason: their anatomy. have a short urethrawhich means that the bacteria that cause this type of infection do not have to travel too far to reach the bladder, contrary to that of men.

He pharmacist José Antonio Valdés González explains to this newspaper that:

  • “It is a annoying but not serious infection. which is very it is important to treat it on time because, if not, they can propagate ascending tracts and cause a kidney infection, and this one is painful and more serious”.

Some of the reasons that can cause cystitis are:

  • Lack of intimate hygiene appropriate, especially after having sexual intercourse.
  • changes in pHwhich can occur for hormonal reasons, use of strong soaps…
  • Some he These changes influence the vaginal microbiota.

Blueberries are a fundamental food against cystitis freepik

How to identify cystitis?

We can identify cystitis if we have symptoms such as:

  • Sensation of discomfort or burning in the moment of .

  • Abdominal pain in the lower area.
  • Continued need to go to the bathroom many times during the day, but being left with the sensation of urinating even more.
  • Ppressure or cramps in the groin or lower abdomen.

  • In more chronic cases, blood in the urine. For the latter, go to the nearest health post to receive treatment.

If the small symptoms do not disappear in a couple of days or worsen, you should see a doctor. There are diseases that present with similar symptoms such as kidney stones or chlamydia.

Is it a myth that blueberries prevent cystitis?

The pharmacist Valdés González has no doubts: “it is a proven reality”.

  • “Specifically, the american lingonberry, Vaccinium macrocarponhas demonstrated, in in vitro tests, its ability to inhibit the adherence of bacteria to the wall of the urinary tractthus preventing its proliferation. This action is carried out by proanthocyanidins (PAC’s). The minimum amount of PAC’s that must be ingested to achieve therapeutic effects is 36 mg daily.

Hence, they have been formulated supplements of natural origin that help fight cystitis based on natural ingredients such as:

  • He american cranberry PAC’s, which, as we have already said, inhibits adhesions to the wall of the urinary tract, preventing their proliferation

  • The mannose, a simple sugar that blocks the proliferation of the bacteria that cause the infection

  • He probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosuyesbacterial nonstick that stimulates the body’s defenses.

And most importantly, all of them prevent relapses.

Is it true that cystitis occurs from being in a wet swimsuit?

Factors that occur in summer, such as changes in temperature between the bathing water and the outside, increased sweating, sand and humidity from swimsuits, favor the growth of microorganisms and bacteria, which affects areas such as the belly and the vaginal area.

  • “Yeah. Having the wet one on for a long time increases the chances of suffering from a urinary infectionsince it generates a perfect culture space for the bacteria to establish themselves”.

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Is it “normal” to have cystitis every summer?

“No, it is not normal to have cystitis every summer”, highlights the specialist. But it is something very common among women and that they themselves assume as “normal”.

It is essential to find the cause of the urinary infection to try to reverse it. Some of the practical and simple tips that will help us avoid urinary tract infections this season:

  • Drink a lot of water, 2 liters minimum per day: Drinking fluids promotes cleansing of the urinary tract through urine, thus avoiding the appearance of bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.
  • Do not wear very tight or synthetic underwear: Adequate perspiration of the intimate area also helps to avoid infections. It is crucial to wear loose-fitting clothing and breathable fabrics, such as cotton.
  • Keep the vaginal area as dry as possible after the beach or pool: wearing a wet swimsuit for many hours is the perfect stage for bacteria that cause infections. Try to change clothes after being in the water.
  • Use neutral soaps for your intimate area: scented soaps can cause irritation in this sensitive area, increasing the risk of bacteria appearing.
  • Going to the bathroom before and after having sex: It is important to urinate once the sexual act is finished, since it reduces the possibility of some bacteria staying in the vicinity of the urethra.

Hummus with carrot. Hummus with carrot sticks. Top view over white timber.

Are there other foods that can prevent infection?

  • Vitamin C. It increases the acidity of the urine and prevents the growth of bacteria that cause urinary tract infection, which live in more basic media. In addition, it increases the body’s natural defenses, which are very necessary to fight infections.
  • Hibiscus sabdariffa or rose of Jamaica. Has diuretic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory action. It also acidifies the urine, making it more difficult for pathogenic bacteria to proliferate. His action looks potentiated, used in synergy with cranberry and vitamin C.
  • other natural substances with a notable antibiotic effect: garlic, coconut oil, lemon, berry leaves…
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