CoDiNuCat decalogue of healthy eating and lifestyle

With the aim of promoting a healthy lifestyle, preventing chronic diseases and contributing to quality aging, the Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists of Catalonia (CoDiNuCat) presented at the XIII International Congress of Mediterranean Diet its ‘Decalogue of Mediterranean healthy eating and lifestyle’.

As pointed out by the Dr. Roser Martí CidPresident of CoDiNuCat, “Food must be personalized, it depends on age, sex, physical size, work. It is dangerous to eat standing up, quickly, distracted by the television or the screens”. Hence it is recommended eat with family or friends to enjoy eating as a social act.

Also eat savoring and chewing well it’s key. Satiety is favored with fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains, since its fiber forces you to chew and moisturize (salivate) more food. And for a balanced diet it is also important follow a regular eating schedule and a variety of foods that are consumed The most recent recommendations focus on what is called “the Harvard plate”which supports the reduction of red meats, sausages and processed meatsin order to give prominence to the proteins of birds, fish, legumes, and nuts, indicates the CoDiNuCat.

The decalogue of healthy eating and lifestyle prepared by CODINUCAT was presented at the XIII International Congress of Mediterranean Diet

One of the most important factors in improving body composition is physical activity. That is, it is about expending more energy (through exercise) than ingested through diet. The intake (caloric intake) should not be less than your basal metabolism.

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A Dietitian-Nutritionist is the best person to design a diet and guide about the foods to include in the diet to improve health, culinary techniques, explain the nutritional labeling of a food… More than prescribing a diet, it teaches how to eateducates so that over time the person makes their choices based on their needs and preferences in the healthiest way possible, they point out from the CoDiNuCat.

And all this by making a personalized studyalong with the clinical and dietary history of habits, food preferences and/or aversions, behaviors and attitudes, as well as the individual’s day-to-day situations to teach and facilitate good eating habits and types of food, amounts, cooking, etc

He ‘Decalogue of Mediterranean healthy eating and lifestyle’ It also invites us to comply with aspects of sustainability and reduce food waste in line with the SDGs (United Nations Sustainable Development Goals) of the 2030 agenda. 10 recommendations from are the following

  1. Consume more foods of plant origin: fruits, vegetables, legumes and nuts
  2. Use extra virgin olive oil for cooking and dressing, instead of other oils and fats
  3. Opt for whole foods. Substitute refined white bread, rice and pasta for their wholemeal version
  4. Select dairy products, which are preferably without added sugar: milk, yogurt and fermented milk
  5. Limit consumption of red and processed meats. Opt and alternate between fish, white meats and eggs
  6. Drink water to hydrate, avoiding sugary drinks and juices
  7. Choose fresh seasonal and local food. Reduce ultra-processed foods, limit the consumption of prepared dishes and cook with food from the land
  8. Avoid alcohol and tobacco, and any toxic habit
  9. Practice physical activity and try to have a restful sleep. Do about 150 minutes a week of physical exercise and avoid a sedentary lifestyle
  10. Plan your purchases well and eat at least once a day (whenever possible) as a family. Enjoy eating as a social act and avoid wasting food
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