Challenge your visual attention with the illusion of the Troxler effect

Around us the world is built of colors, shapes, lines and dimensions. Our vision helps us make sense of everything, in addition to the brain’s perception of the data sent by our eyes. However, how much do you stop to challenge your perception of what you see? Here we have an optical illusion that will test your true vision, ready?

Optical illusions are phenomena that reveal to us how amazing and complex the work of the mind can be. Some illusions manage to trick our eyes and send confusing information to our mind, this is exactly what happens with this image. At first glance, everything looks like a blurry image, but once your eyes try to decipher what is happening… the magic begins!

An optical illusion known as the Troxler effect

Fading o owes its name to the Swiss doctor Ignaz Paul Vital Troxler. This man discovered in 1804 what exactly happens in the brain and eyes when looking at an optical illusion.

It is all due to prolonged fixation, this act is a prolonged stimulus for consciousness and manages to fade our consciousness for a few seconds. This effect on the mind is much more visible when an image is blurry or has very strong contrast.

All you have to do to confuse the brain a little is look at an optical illusion and wait until the information in your mind is confusing and unclear. In the image above, the brain becomes so confused that the colors disappear completely.

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It may take some people more than ten seconds to clear the colors of the image, but it’s just a matter of time before you get it 100% right. With patience and high concentration you can achieve the perfect target and then trick your brain.