Carlos Chimpén –

Publications by author

3 Publications

Dr. Carlos Chimpén López, current president of the Spanish Association of Narrative Therapy, doctor in Clinical and Health Psychology from the University of Salamanca and Master in Psychotherapy from the same University. He also has the Postgraduate Program in Narrative Therapy at the Dulwich Centre, where Narrative Therapy was created by Michael White, and extensive experience in training and psychotherapy. Currently, Dr. Carlos Chimpén works as a professor at the University of Extremadura.

Narrative therapy emerged in the late 1980s and early 1990s within the context of family therapy. In many places, it is considered essential knowledge to…

Narrative Therapy places emphasis on people’s life stories and the possibilities that can open up through particular ways of telling and retelling…

The interviews end and the therapist gives the consultant a certificate where he says: This is to certify that Raquel has mastered the lie that got her into so much trouble.…

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