Definition: Chronic disease that groups several neurological disorders and that generates recurrent seizures (epileptic seizures) due to excessive discharge of brain neurons. It is also associated with “petit mal” or absence.

Technical: 4th Embryonic Stage. Conflict of fear and separation.

Biological sense: Putting an end to something drastically in order to start over.

Epilepsy is an apparent death (rigidity, paleness, loss of consciousness…) that can be followed by a resurrection.

It is a jolt at the level of the cerebral cortex that frees all charges and programs of excesses (multiple accumulated stresses).

Conflict: Important conflict of impotent fear, added to one of separation.

Also important conflict of fear (larynx) together with one of motor skills (impotence), gives us as a result a conflict of “horror”:

“Not wanting but having to go.” For example, fear (horror) of going to school but being forced to go.

Children of an overprotective mother..

Release of gestures that we could not perform at the time and were pending “accumulated” to be released.

Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)


The epilepsy is caused by poor communication between cells of the brain. The cumulative nervous input that results creates an overload and the formation of shock waves that attack the other parts of my brain.

The crises of epilepsy They can be of different intensities.

Thus, I can be part of the people who are simply “over the moon” during a few moments or be part of those who lose consciousness completely and have fairly strong convulsions for five to ten minutes. To live such a situation, surely it seems to me that life only brings rejection, violence, anger and despair. I always have the feeling have to fight I feel persecuted. I feel guilty of aggressiveness that rises in me and I reject it. I’m fed up, this requires too much effort from me.

I reject this life that strives to make me suffer.

I want to become numb by withdrawing into myself – myself. It is often the despair or anger that incite me to it. At the same time, I’m going to feeling beaten by life, letting it bring some violence to me my. The rejection of myself is extreme and it results in a conflict of individuality.

During the crisis of epilepsymy body stiffens to protest against these injuries and convulsions erupt, such very strong waves that allow me to let out my anger, my bitterness and my long-repressed aggressiveness.


I have no alternative but to let go of the intense feelings that inhabit me. I flee unconsciously from these situations that make me suffer so much, either because I’m afraid, I’m upset or I suffer. The mental does not have, at that moment, any control.

The epilepsy thus warns my surroundings of my great need for love and attention. The root cause of epilepsy often goes back to the beginning of the childhood and can even go back to the time of pregnancy: as a child, blamed a lot: this follows me throughout my life and I see this as a combat every day. It can also be abuse, sexual or other, or perceived as such, or from a previous rejection or experienced in early childhood, just like a separation. The fact of feeling separated from someone implies a loss of contact on the physical plane with it.

The epileptic seizures may therefore proceed in a way of obtaining or gaining more attention as to reinforce my feeling of superiority. By indicating the epilepsy a overload of nervous circuitthis shows that what I have to deal with in my daily life is excessive; a situation arises in which I must choose.

This feeling of being overloaded may be the result of events that increase (exaggerate) in my mind. This exaggeration can lead to arrogance Leading me to think that I know more than anyone. There may also be a tendency to be too abstract or even adherent too great to the psychic realms. So I avoid dealing with reality objective.

The epilepsy It can also be the consequence of an atrocious fear that I have (of death, illness, fear of losing someone, etc.); A motor coloring, as if to prevent me from overtaking, adds to my fear (for example, if I have to go to a funeral (death) and I don’t want to go).

I become aware of what is happening in me and I agree to focus my efforts no longer exclusively on the negative and realize how much love and health also gives me the universe.

The Great Dictionary of ailments and diseases by Jacques Martel


What emotional conflict am I experiencing?: In Biodecoding, full attention must be paid to all the details and characteristics that the person with epilepsy presents, that is, the physical movements that they make during the attacks, because it is those movements, those details, that will give the clues to locate the precise moment in which the emotional impact that triggered the epilepsy occurred.


– Where do you move your eyes, up, down, left, right. – If he moves his mouth, twists it, closes it, he seems to speak, he seems to kiss. – Where does he move his legs? – Where he moves his arms, his hands. – Where does he move his head?

Commonly, the “gestures” and “movements” made by the epileptic person give all the clues to the triggering emotion. You have to pay attention if he seems to be looking for something with his eyes, if he seems to be hugging or letting go, if he seems to be walking, kicking or advancing, his mouth, everything. And to this, we must add the biological laterality of the person, the people or environment that surround them, their age, their daily activities, etc.

Basically, epilepsy is a symptom that occurs when the person is or feels incapable of showing, demonstrating, saying what worries them, what scares them, what causes them anguish or concern. Faced with a strong emotional impact, event in his life, emotional shock, the person is physically “unable” to express emotion, he is shocked and it is with an epileptic attack, which proves it.

Living the emotional impact for the first time is what establishes the programming conflict, (such as allergies), and once the person witnesses some similar impact again, the first attack is triggered, which of course will be repeated in the presence of any element existing in the programming conflict.

Epilepsy itself establishes that there is an emotional conflict of “inability to move” and moving can be taken as:

– I don’t know what to do – I don’t know how to fix it – I don’t know how to explain, tell them.

An event has occurred, whether it is strong or hard or sad, or heartbreaking for me, does not matter. I have experienced something very emotionally impactful, before which I have felt powerless, I have not been able to do anything to avoid it, finish it, solve it. I have not had the strength, the capacity, the ability to express it.

And then what happens? That I, with my attack, as if it were a “mime game”, try to represent, act, what I am experiencing, what has hurt me, what has impacted me.

Therefore, always in cases of epilepsy, the “constants” should be sought, the details of the first epileptic attack and the related previous events. And before any case of epilepsy, look for stories of:

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– I experienced an emotional conflict and I could not do or say anything. – Impossibility of doing, repeating, achieving, a specific gesture, movement or action.


In the transgenerational and in the felt project, I will have to look first, if my doubles are epileptic or they were. I must find out big or strong emotional impacts on my doubles, experiences of helplessness, of not being able to defend themselves, fight, flee. Stories of threat, death by threat, unfulfilled revenge.

And of course, in the sense project, I must find out if my mother did not suffer any shocking circumstances during the pregnancy.

Something important to clarify regarding epilepsy is that it occurs in the “emotional conflict resolution phase,” and we could say that there are two types of epilepsy:

The one that can be managed with surgery: Where the edematization of the Hamer’s focus, turned into a scarring “spot” in the brain, produces pressure on the surrounding parenchyma and is causing the attacks. This is because the emotional impact has been extraordinarily strong, Hamer’s focus has been extraordinarily large, and the “stain” has formed a scar that is damaging the brain tissue.

The one that disappears on its own once the emotional conflict is resolved: Once the emotional cause of the attacks has been located, the event that caused it, it resolves like any other symptom and heals immediately.

And however, you must find the causal reason.

Conflict of impossibility, of motor impotence.

Conflict regarding the gesture that we cannot do, the situation in which we have felt powerless.

Conflict of impotence (muscles) in active phase and appears in the repair phase when I can finally make the gesture that I want and that I had not been able to do. It is a liberation of non-performed gestures. for example: making uncontrollable gestures to revive someone. It is necessary to observe and interpret precisely the gestures made during the crisis to decode the logic, the affected area is related to the conflict.

Conflict with an invisible enemy against whom we cannot fight.

Territory loss conflict + separation conflict. –

Conflict of fear of being controlled by another.

Akasha Comprehensive Healing

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