Biodecoding Colon Disease Emotional Meaning

Definition: Last portion of the digestive system corresponding to the large intestine. It extends from the cecum to the rectum and includes the ascending colon, the transverse colon, the descending colon, and the sigmoid.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflicts of very ugly indigestible piece and ignominy. sympathicotony: In the active conflict phase, adenocarcinoma appears in the colon. vagotonia: In the conflict repair phase, the tumor is degraded by tuberculosis bacteria, producing bleeding in the feces. If it is not possible to break it down, it is encapsulated.

Biological sense: I make more tissue to better digest, assimilate or release a filth (ignominy). Since the colon is also responsible for absorbing water, it may indicate the intention to absorb all of mom’s love (water and liquids symbolize the mother, referents, and emotions). According to dr. Hamer, the biological sense is: produce more digestive juices to break down or digest the “morsel”. In the Rectum it is something different, and all that remains is to drop the piece, here the meaning is in “eliminating a situation that hurts the consultant”. It is to take the last conscience.

Conflict: Big dirty conflict. It is the last chance to clean it, but there is an inability both to digest it and to release it52.

See COLON CANCER conflicts.

In the lower colon: Female identity conflicts “I have no place in my territory”. “I don’t feel recognized in this family.”

For left-handers it is a grudge conflict within the territory126.

Conflict with an accusation, revenge or unfair retaliation that we receive175.


Conflicts with the absorption of water (references, money, mother). See: DIARRHEA and CONSTIPATION.


Definition: Increased frequency of defecation with liquid or semi-liquid stools.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. vagotonia: Repair phase of a small dirty conflict. Visceral fear conflict.

Biological sense: Quickly eliminate the waste, the excess, the “dirty”. Water is always related to our “references” and to “mom”.

Conflict: Conflict of little filth that must be eliminated. Visceral fear conflict. Conflict of minimums, lack of kindness.

Soft stools, whatever the environment, refer to a thyroid conflict added to a digestive one (speed in digestion)63. For example, a child who has to study an instrument for two hours and wants time to pass faster (thyroid conflict) to go have fun.

Diarrhea before exams means “I have not assimilated all the knowledge I needed.”

Cleaning within the family. Quick wash.

conflict of visceral fear that reaches our guts.

Traveler’s Diarrhea: Conflict of wanting to cleanse themselves of the new for being too attached to their territory and way of life.

I want to get my mother off me


Definition: Infrequent or straining bowel movements due to lack of bowel movement and excessive absorption of water that hardens the stool. Constipation is considered when the frequency is less than three times a week.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict to absorb piece. In relation to water (referents, mother). Move the piece.

Biological sense: Constipation appears due to excessive absorption of water in the intestine. Water always refers to the mother (the first referent, we come from the liquid medium of our mother’s uterus). We will also apply the concept of “fear of letting go”, for retaining something dirty, for the refusal to abandon old ideas or for feelings of lack and lack. See TRAVELER’S CONSTIPATION.


Conflict: Conflict regarding the search or preservation of maternal love (That’s why we absorb all the water). Or wanting to retain something even after having absorbed the water. Feeling of making a big mistake if we “let go” of something.

Conflict of feeling guilty about the children. Also conflict of not forgiving (letting go) of something.

Active conflict of identity in the territory (the rectum is anesthetized and does not feel that it is full). Not being able to mark the territory for being under the surveillance of the “alpha male”.

Active separation conflict. Feeling isolated, but wanting to keep someone167.

Motor conflict. Not being able to move a piece, to something being blocked (“I can’t sell my house and move on with my life”). Conflict that stops bowel movement due to another urgency that gets in the way.

Conflict of fear of being discovered by something, we must hide it, so that it does not come to light164.

Conflict of the controller who wants to have everything under control permanently (nothing must escape his control).

Conflict of the dominated, be a slave (I’m blocked)


Definition: Chronic digestive disease with abdominal pain with changes in intestinal rhythm, either due to constipation or diarrhea), usually accompanied by a feeling of abdominal distension.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict of various dirty things. Unsafety.

Biological sense: It is a poorly defined disease, since everyone who does not fit into other diagnoses tends to relapse here. In general, the biological sense of the colon is useful, but in these cases, and due to its effects, we will focus more on the aspect of water recovery and absorption, that is, that of recovering “mother’s love”.

See also  Biodecoding couple conflicts

Conflict: They are regular rubbish one after the other176. People with irritable bowel tend to be afraid to relax and feel insecure.

Conflict of submission, at the mercy of a dominant who directs me as if I were his horse (in a context of “dirty” and real or symbolic family).

People who “irritate” us the family environment. Immigrants, people with different customs or behaviors that we do not want, know about or can assimilate.

See COLON conflicts.

COLON, polyps

Definition: Generally benign tumor that develops in the mucous membranes of the colon.

Technical: 1st Embryonic Stage. Conflict of little dirty things.

Biological sense: A polyp is a growth of lower mucosal tissue. It would have the same biological meaning as the colon, but located in a specific part. It would be a punctual or concrete “dirty” that occurs at a given moment and in a given situation, but that does not expand beyond.

Conflict: Little sluts. Each polyp is dirty to decode.

Ascending colon: ascendants

transverse colon: collaterals

Descending colon: descendants.

sigmoid: Feminine identity conflict44.

We want to eliminate our prejudices, but we are not clear enough, we still depend on them.

See COLON conflicts.

Source: Bio-Emotional Dictionary. (Joan Marc Vilanova Pujó)




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