Ayahuasca, the shamanic ritual par excellence: what it is and what are its effects

Tea is prepared by decoction and combining these two plants, which can induce altered states of consciousness to those who drink the drink. Its effects usually last between four and eight hours.

This happens due to DMT, the psychedelic or hallucinogenic substance present in the drink. DMT is found in nature (in plants and mammals) and is a neuroreceptor related to the REM phase, the moment in which dreams occur.


Ayahuasca is part of a ancient tradition of ancient origin between the cultures of Peru, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador and. In 2008, the Peruvian government declared the traditional use of ayahuasca as Cultural Heritage of the Nation.


The shamans of each region are the heirs of the ancestral knowledge of the different mixtures, preparations and uses of the ayahuasca. The drink has a long history of use within traditional medicine and within the rituals and ceremonies typical of the culture. For this reason, the consumption of this drink is usually done with the company and assistance of a shaman or spiritual guide.

Many people from all over the world travel to the Amazon areas to participate in the rituals., which are usually held in small groups. According to traditions amazon, There are certain requirements to participate in a ceremony, such as a certain diet the days before.

The tea ceremony ayahuasca Its main objective awaken spiritual energies superiors and transport yourself to a mystical and visionary world to be able to heal situations of all kinds.

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Once the ceremony begins, the traditional drink is consumed, which many consumers describe as very bitter. Through songs and invocations, shamans seek open a portal that connects people with the substance produced by plantsto connect with your spiritual force.

Between 20 and 45 minutes after ingesting the drink, participants begin to notice its effects, known as “ayahuasca dizziness.” Some They may experience vomiting, diarrhea, or sweating. After the purge produced by the drink, the symptoms begin to be experienced. mystical effects of the ayahuasca, that are unique to each person.

Nowadays, rituals with ayahuasca They have expanded throughout the world. For this reason, experts on the subject recommend taking the plant under the care and guidance of a true shaman either shaman, taking into account that its consumption is only legal in Peru.