APA Standards 7th Edition: 12 Changes You Need to Know

It was published last month and brings a series of important changes for all of us who are dedicated to research, text preparation and academia in general.

The manual is available in English and it is not yet known exactly when we will have the translated version. But to be ready, we have prepared 12 examples that explain the most important changes in the new version.

1 – The geographical location of the publisher is no longer necessary:

Genise, N., Crocamo L., and Genise G. (2019). Manual of psychotherapy and psychopathology of children and adolescents. : Akadia Publishing House.

Genise, N., Crocamo L., and Genise G. (2019). Manual of psychotherapy and psychopathology of children and adolescents. Akadia Publishing House.

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2 – It is no longer necessary to add “recovered from” to websites, unless a recovery date is needed:

Quintero, PJ (2015). Speaking well costs nothing: Some psychological terms that we should avoid. Recovered from website: //hablar-bien-no-cuesta-nada-terminos-psicologicos-deberiamos-evitar/

Quintero, PJ (2015). Speaking well costs nothing: Some psychological terms that we should avoid. website: //hablar-bien-no-cuesta-nada-terminos-psicologicos-deberiamos-evitar/

3 – eBooks no longer require the eBook type to be listed (e.g. PDF, Kindle, etc.)

Harris, R. (2017). The happiness trap . Retrieved from: https://www.amazon.com/trampa-felicidad-sufrir-comienza-Spanish-ebook/dp/B01MQYG6JN/

Harris, R. (2017). The happiness trap. https://www.amazon.com/trampa-felicidad-sufrir-comienza-Spanish-ebook/dp/B01MQYG6JN/

4 – Journal DOIs now display as a doi.org URL instead of prefixed with “DOI:”.

Walker, JR, & Furer, P. (2008). Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, 22(4), 366-378. DOI: 10.1891/0889-8391.22.4.366

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Walker, JR, & Furer, P. (2008). Interoceptive Exposure in the Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis. Journal of cognitive psychotherapy, 22(4), 366-378. https://doi.org/10.1891/0889-8391.22.4.366

‌5 – Up to 20 authors can now be included in a reference list citation before having to omit others with ellipses. Previously, only six were shown before omitting the rest with ellipses.

Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., … Cox, W. (2018) Title…

Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M., Thompson, A., Perez, G., Moore, D., Torres, G., Peterson, H., Foster, M., … Cox, W. (2018) Title…

6 – Regarding in-text citations, any references with more than three authors can now be shortened to the first author and et al. Previously, only references with six or more were shortened in this way.

Data suggest that the use of digital media in preschool children affects their brain development (Hutton, Dudley, Horowitz-Kraus, De Witt, & Holland, 2019)

Data suggests that the use of digital media in preschool children affects their brain development (Hutton et al., 2019)

7 – Guidelines and citation examples are being added for new sources of information that have emerged or grown in popularity since the 6th edition, such as social media messages and videos and other electronic media.

8 – Instead of using adjectives as nouns (nouns) to label groups of people, descriptive phrases are preferred.

People in poverty.

9 – Instead of broad categories, exact age ranges should be used that are more relevant and specific.

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People over 65 years of age.

People in the age range of 65 to 75 years.

10 – Greater flexibility regarding the fonts to be used in the text: options include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12 and Georgia 11.

11 – Clear guidelines are provided for including contributors who are not authors or editors. For example, when citing a podcast episode, the host of the episode should be included; For a television series episode, the writer and director of that episode is cited.

12 – Dozens of examples are included for types of online sources, such as podcast episodes, social media posts, and YouTube videos. Additionally, the use of emojis and hashtags is explained.

Inclusive and prejudice-free language

The APA has placed a lot of emphasis on inclusive and non-judgmental language. To guide psychologists, researchers, and students, the new manual includes a chapter entirely dedicated to this topic and includes information on how to write about gender, age, disability, racial identity, and sexual orientation. Soon in we will dedicate an article to explain these recommendations, but if you want to get ahead of yourself you can.

Finally we add a list of free web applications to generate reference lists according to this format:

Reference generators with APA format:

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