ANEMIA according to BIODESCODING — Emotional Conflicts

There are many people who have anemia. I remember having anemia when I was about 25 years old. It seems that anemia is something romantic, something that makes us more delicate, fragile, in need of attention and affection.

Anemia according to Biodecoding — Emotional Conflicts

It really is a direct consequence of inadequate nutrition or/and emotional management. Anemia belongs to the Third Stage: Movement, assessment. It is the result of a low concentration of hemoglobin in the blood.

Conflict behind anemia

  • Devaluation of what makes us live, that transports life.
  • Resentment: “I don’t want to bother my family”, “I have to live as little as possible because I annoy” and “I drown in this family.”

Anemia is related to a lack of joy in the process of life itself and a feeling of worthlessness.

Iron deficiency anemia (not hemoglobin): calcium: paternal function + magnesium: maternal function

Resentment: “I need help in my maternal function”, “I am drowning in my family”, someone close to you is dying and you want to give them oxygen to live”, “I am not breathing well”.

Anemia according to Louise Hay

Probable cause: “yes, but” attitude. Lack of joy Fear of life Feeling of not being worth enough. New Thought Pattern: I can confidently experience joy in all areas of my life. I love life.

Anemia is usually caused by a and storage in the spleen. If very strong anemia is diagnosed, you should immediately consult your doctor.

When this anemia is not corrected in its early symptoms, it usually leads to more serious disorders such as pernicious anemia. Women suffer more disorders of this type because due to their nature they lose more iron.

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The liver and the for example, are foods rich in iron. It is advisable to take a daily dose of vitamin C for better assimilation.

RED healing color

Treatment: we must start with the spleen, with a treatment turning the thumb. The spleen has a special and intense effect on the intestine, so we will also press the areas of the ascending and descending colon, the liver and the glands: , pituitary and .

Anemia according to Lisa Bourbeau

physical lock

Anemia is usually defined as a decreased number of red blood cells. Its symptoms are: paleness of the skin and mucous membranes, acceleration of breathing and heart rate, and very marked fatigue. Headaches, dizziness, and ringing in the ears may occur.

emotional block

In , blood represents the joy of living: this is what the anemic person has lost. It may even be difficult for you to accept this incarnation to the point of not wanting to continue living. He often lets himself be invaded by discouragement and no longer establishes contact with his desires or his needs. He feels weak.

Mental block

If you have anemia right now, you need to get back in touch with your ability to create your life without depending on others. Become more aware of the negative thoughts that prevent you from finding joy in your life. Let out the child in you, the one who wants to play and take life less seriously.

Review what is making you feel bad in it. Why do you feel like a nuisance, someone who bothers, who can’t do anything to unite the family. What weakens you, discourages you, makes you feel sad. Integrate in the family unit, contribute, enjoy, unite.

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Eat a variety, healthy food, fruit, vegetables, cereals, legumes, some fish, meat if you take it and some contribution or supplement if you need it. Remember that if your body gets used to supplements, to giving it everything easy, it becomes lazy. Better food than supplements!

A hug,

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