Analogous colors: meaning, what they are and examples

Analogous colors are a type of system that is used to refer to some tones that are found in the color wheel.

This way of using colors can have different uses, such as decoration, creation of outfits, among others, in order to create harmonious combinations.

What are analog colors?

The word analogous is equal to similarity, and in this sense, analogous colors are those that are on the sides of a color on the color wheel, having great similarity with them, although with a sufficiently notable difference.

In other words, they share a tone in colors with respect to their neighbors, one to the left and the other to the right depending on where they are located, called the one in the middle as the ruling color, because it is between the two analogous colors of Their case.

What are the analogous colors?

All the tones present in the color wheel can be analogous colors, which vary, being yellow, yellowish orange, orange, orange-red, red, reddish violet, violet, violet blue, blue, bluish green, green and/or yellow greenish.

Examples of analogous colors

It is necessary to clarify that with respect to this, the analog colors of yellow are not the same as those of violet or red. Some examples are the following:

Analogous colors of yellow

Focusing on the color yellow, its analogous colors would be greenish yellow, which is a product of yellow and green, and yellowish orange, which is a product of yellow and orange.

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Analogous colors of blue

Taking the color blue as a point, we can point out that its analogous colors are bluish green and violet blue.

Analogous colors of red

With respect to the color red, the analogous colors would be, on the one hand, reddish violet, as well as orange-red on the other.

Analogous colors of each color

  • Yellow: greenish yellow and yellowish orange
  • Yellowish orange: yellow and orange
  • Orange: yellowish orange and orange red
  • Orange red: orange and red
  • Red: orange red and reddish violet
  • Reddish violet: red and violet
  • Violet: reddish violet and purplish blue
  • Violet blue: violet and blue
  • Blue: purplish blue and teal
  • Teal: blue and green
  • Green: bluish green and greenish yellow
  • Greenish yellow: green and yellow