Allergic rhinitis: how to prevent it?

The allergic rhinitis It is a condition that accuses the nasal passages by the exposure to any allergen and that affects not only the nose but sometimes also the eyes.

This allergy, rhinitis, occurs as a reaction of the body to substances that it does not tolerate and that are identified by the immune system of allergy sufferers as harmful.

Allergic rhinitis, which can manifest throughout the year, It is one of the most common chronic diseases. In fact, it is estimated that rhinitis affects between 15% and 20% of the world population.

who suffer allergic rhinitis They know their symptoms well. The mucus increases to trap and expel allergens, but that is where the discomfort felt by allergy sufferers begins: sneezing, itching, congestion, runny nose and even sinusitis.

In some cases, patients allergic rhinitis the eyes are also affected and headaches and dizziness may be experienced. Sinusitis, if it appears, will cause pressure, headache or fever.

The usual treatment for allergic rhinitis consists of the administration of antihistamines or decongestants, but allergy sufferers can follow a series of guidelines to prevent a condition that negatively influences your quality of life.

Here are some tips to prevent allergic rhinitis:

-Those who suffer allergic rhinitis should eAvoid exposing yourself to open spaces in the morning, when the amounts of pollen are higher, especially in areas where vegetation abounds and in periods when trees are blooming.

Close the windows on days with high pollen levels. Furthermore, for those who suffer allergic rhinitis The use of a dehumidifier becomes essential, since it helps a lot to reduce interior humidity.

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– For the sick allergic rhinitis is very important rpull out the rugs in the case of being very sensitive to dust mites

Vacuum the house if we have a pet shed hair regularly.

-Resort to the use of Allergen-proof pillowcases and sheets.

– Avoid the use of strong-smelling detergents and perfumes.

Traveling by car with the windows closed and avoid outings on a motorcycle or bicycle.

-Use outdoor sunglasses.