Aldi lowers the ideal superfood for weight loss to less than one euro (and one of the most expensive)

The British oranges and apples are changed for avocado. The famous presenter and chef Nigella Lawson, Las multiples, has a lot to do with this popularization. virtues of this Mexican fruit that is also grown in Spain They make every day have more followers around the world.


“It contains 72% water, 15% fat, 6% fiber and 0.2% sugar. It is a cholesterol-free food that It provides a large amount of magnesium and potassium, is low in sodium and contains vitamins E and K”, explains Emilio Martínez de Victoria, Professor of Physiology at the University of Granada.


Various scientific publications show that it helps to prevent cardiovascular diseases and hypertension. If we look at its high fat content, adds Martínez de Victoria, the avocado has a medium caloric intake and a high percentage of water. The usual portion is half a fruit (about 70 grams) and the total calories it provides is 119. Rich in fruits and vegetables, it increases satiety after a meal and decreases the desire to snack between meals.


In addition to the already classic guacamole (based on avocado, tomato, onion, lime juice, chili, cilantro and salt) or with toastyes, avocado can be a great ally in the kitchen: can be used as fish or in a refreshing gazpacho.


The gastronomic critic Fernando Rueda tells in El aguacate. The West Indian fruit that captivated southern Spain than the avocado (Persea americana) it is called “butter of the poor” in the north of Colombia and in the south of Mexico and that it is a pear-shaped fruit, with a corky skin and a rough touch, which can be olive, purple or black depending on its variety. The pulp is what is edible, and it has a large central bone.

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The supermarket has lowered the price of this fruit, which can now be purchased for 0.95 euros (some 227 degrees would be 4.19 euros).