A well-known nutritionist reveals the secret to burning fat in just 6 weeks

“In this video, I cover my fit, in just 6 weeks. This was made possible with something called a “mini cut.” Here, I’ll explain the science behind what a mini cut is, why it’s so effective for more fat loss. fast (although hard for many to follow), how I modified my diet and training to make it easier, and what I did next to By the end, you’ll know exactly how you can implement them to lose fat fast and keep it off,” explains nutritionist and trainer Jeremy Ethier in one of his latest videos on the YouTube channel.

“What is a mini-cut? With mini-cuts, your goal is to lose about 1-1.25% of your body weight per week, for a total of 4-6 weeks. Lin muscle loss and fatigue that would occur if you had extended it longer. That being said, the problem with mini-cuts is that they are hard to stick to. And even if you manage to stick with it, because of the changes your body goes through during the mini-cut, it makes it difficult to stick to. very easy to put back the fat you lost as soon as you’re done I’ll show the exact adjustments I made to my workouts and diet to make the mini cut easy to follow and what I did afterward to make sure the fat I lost didn’t stick around for that you can do the same,” he explains.

“Let’s start with the workouts. For the weights, before the mini cut, I was lifting 5 times a week using the 5 day workout divided into my Intermediate Built With Science program. However, an aggressive calorie deficit means I have far less fuel to fuel my workouts and support my recovery. This can quickly lead to excessive fatigue and loss of strength. To avoid this, I switched to a split 4-day workout from my Built With Science Intermediate program and dropped 1 set of each exercise from the routine. As for cardio, before the mini-cut, I averaged 10,000 steps a day and did two 20-minute HIITs a week. My focus during the mini-cut was to further increase my overall activity to burn more calories each day rather than solely relying on eating fewer calories to achieve my deficit goal. I decided to do two things to lose fat faster. First, by taking more walks throughout the day and making frequent use of this under-desk treadmill in my office. ANDSecond, I replaced my two 20 minute HIIT sessions with something much easier to recover from, light cycling for 30 minutes 3-4 times a week.”

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“Now, the dietary adjustments I made during my transformation process from lean to shredded. During the mini-cut, I reduced my calorie intake by 25% to around 1,900 calories. To make this sustainable, I was strategic on which specific foods I would eat less.To reduce calories from my diet while making sure I had enough carbohydrates for energy and enough protein to maintain my muscle, I reduced my fat intake to close to that minimum amount rather than greatly reducing my carbohydrate and protein intake. In addition to this, I strategically timed my carb intake to best fuel my performance and recovery. As far as dealing with hunger and cravings, I did simple food swaps that kept me full and allowed me to eat pretty much the same meals as before the mini cut.e, but now with much fewer calories. To help me resist temptations during the day and curb my cravings at night, I always made sure I had some kind of tasty but low-calorie dessert.”