A person’s weaknesses – List with examples

When we talk about a person’s weaknesses, we make references to those aspects in which we fail or we don’t stand out. Each person must know what they have in order to be able to identify and improve these weaknesses, especially if they represent a problem in daily life.

The list of a person’s weaknesses can be very varied and can change a lot from one person to another because just as one person can be very punctual but forgetful or fearful, another can be a person who is obsessed with everything and is controlling but then is very responsible in his daily chores. Every one is a world and it is one’s job to know oneself.

And you’ll wonder, “What do my weaknesses mean?” Don’t worry too much, people we are imperfect beings and, as such, we can have positive aspects and others that are negative. Denying one over the other will only project an image of ourselves that is not real and, therefore, it is important that we do this exercise of sincerity and see ourselves completely. Only then will we be able to accept ourselves and forgive our mistakes.

Here we will give you a list of a person’s weaknesses which includes the most common human weaknesses. What are your weaknesses from the examples given in this list? Write them down as an exercise and improve them little by little with small steps in your daily life:

1. Cowardice

It is one of the most common weaknesses of people. Not daring to take that step, to make that change, to say what we think… Cowardice has its origins in insecurity and lack of selfesteem. Therefore, it is important that you work on your self-image.

This will make your ideals and actions align, and you yourself will feel proud of your behavior and attitudes. Over time, you will gain self-respect and realize that fear is just a protective emotionit should not be something that limits your happiness or your growth process.

2. Egoism

It is another of the most common weak points and is based on prioritize our own well-being and interest above that of others. Many times, we do not realize that we are selfish, which has a very close connection with the lack of awareness about our actions on a daily basis.

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However, being selfish also means doing something for others in exchange for anything that makes us feel good; That is, selfishness implies the absence of altruistic generosity and the imposition of our needs without responsibly recognizing whether we cause harm to another person.

3. Antipathy

Many times we err on the side of being unfriendly by cultivating a stupid and somewhat disrespectful attitude. This may be related to mood swings or having a bad relationship with someone in particular. We completely forget that, just because we are human beings, We have the responsibility to act humanely.

Yes, we must be nice to people, we must live in society and we have the responsibility to work on ourselves for our well-being and that of other people.

4. Lack of concentration

Our brain is fully prepared to concentrate, to reflect and to reason about everything we want. However, many times we lack the ability to concentrate due to mundane or due to a lack of interest.

5. Distrust

Real nonsense is committed by not trusting others, in fact, you can hurt a person for fear that she would hurt us first. Distrust is a very negative human ability that leads to really bad consequences. Do you want to know if you have this human weakness? You can do the .

6. Impatience

As the saying goes “Patience is the mother of science” but, currently, we live in a society invaded by rush and stress and this often makes us impatient. Now, we all know that what takes time is what brings the greatest happiness and reward in the long term.

Therefore, to achieve great goals, patience is essential. Working it day by day is something that will make you healthier, since we can calm the anxiety caused by a society that constantly search the productivity. In addition, it will allow you to become aware of what you are doing and why. So you can readjust your strategies to reach your goal, paradoxically, faster.

7. Envy

Envy is the negative feeling in reaction to the achievements or successes of others. Envy causes us to want to have what other people have. It is considered a weakness, since it puts the focus on others and it does not allow you to live your own life and enjoy everything you have and are. Envy is not usually well received by others since sharing joy with an envious person is uncomfortable.

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We need to become aware of this weakness to turn it to our advantage, far from feeling guilty for “being a bad person.” Thus, every time we feel this weakness it means that we want that something that the other person has and, therefore, we feel admiration for their qualities or achievements. In this way, we can let ourselves be guided by this envy to know ourselves what we want and learn from that individual.

8. Resentment

It is considered a weakness since it mobilizes unpleasant and poorly adaptive sensations. Most people do not find it pleasant to deal with people who have passive-aggressive behaviorsTherefore, resentment causes emotional ties to break and facilitates isolation. To avoid resentment it is important to accept reality as it is.

9. Dependency

Due to a lack of self-confidence, dependency can arise, characterized by giving exaggerated importance to other people. In these cases it is important work on self-concept, self-esteem, security and self-confidence. In addition to creating your own life project that does not depend on others.

In this way, we will be able to reconstruct our self-image through self-knowledge, to realize that, in addition to having idealized the other person in the same percentage in which we underestimated our own qualities; we have a rich inner world and we are capable of make us happy to ourselves.

10. Stubbornness

Rigidity of thought is considered a human weakness and corresponds to a very maladaptive characteristic. The human being must adapt to the environment and for this it is necessary learn and be flexible. As new knowledge is acquired or new information is obtained, it is normal to change perspective and ideas, as well as being able to recognize that we were wrong.

Therefore, do not be afraid of change, because it brings with it your own growth. It is important that you know that you can and have the right to transform your values, thoughts and ideas. The human being is in continuous movement and it is necessary to leave people and concepts behind to advance in our vital growth.

11. Lateness

Making your friends wait may not be a crime, but this could be considered a crime. disrespect. You need to work on this point, since it will come in handy in your work life, for example, or any context in which you must show professionalism.

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To work on this topic, we advise you write the reasons in a notebook or diary why you think you’re always late. This has the purpose of becoming aware of the mechanism or process that you carry out until you leave home and that you can improve in this area. We give you more advice about this topic in our post about.

12. Irresponsibility

If responsibility means becoming consistent with your own actions, that is, reflecting on your options for action and choosing taking into account the possible results; Being irresponsible is the opposite. It is an equally selfish attitude in which immediate pleasure is prioritized above anything.

If you are interested in maturing and growing as a person, we leave you this post about them so you can work on them.

It is very common that, in a job interview, ask us about what our weaknesses are and also our strengths. It is a “trap” question that is asked in the vast majority of interviews and its objective is to know our way of presenting ourselves and, thus, to be able to intuit a little about our personality.

But how to correctly answer this question? Below we will give you a list with examples of human beings’ work weaknesses and, also, their strengths so that you can answer this question well and, thus, pass the selection process. Some of the job weaknesses and job strengths are cited in the following lists.

List of human weaknesses: examples

  • Demanding
  • Perfectionist
  • Headstrong
  • Slow but steady worker
  • And some weakness that is not very serious, such as disorganized, unpunctual, slow, absent-minded, etc.

Of course: evaluate carefully the position for which you are going to apply since, if, for example, you have to be punctual for meeting issues with clients, you will not be able to include that tardiness is your defect. If you are still not sure how to successfully overcome this situation, we recommend reading the following article: .

List of a person’s strengths: examples

In this case, you will have to comment on your strengths but avoiding appearing to be an arrogant and proud person; humility is the key when talking about our own strengths.

  • Responsible
  • Proactive
  • Creative
  • Ambitious
  • Punctual
  • Optimistic
  • Etc

Do you want to know more about the best tricks to have an impeccable job interview? Then don’t miss our article on .