Early detection: The challenge for the prevention of mortality in heart disorders in newborns –

Only in the United States of 40,000 births a year, 25% will require an intervention in the first year of life. In Colombia, there is an incidence of 1.5 per thousand births, which would represent 4,900 interventions; however, only 2,400 procedures are performed. This difference represents fewer early diagnoses and increased mortality and complications during growth.

The group of congenital heart disease doctors at the Medical Center have outlined early detection as strategies, which allow measuring maternal risk factors and identifying which patients should undergo more specific examinations, such as fetal echocardiography, an examination that is performed while the baby is in the womb and is performed between the 18th and 24th week of pregnancy.

In February the International Day of this disease is commemorated. The Medical Center has a multidisciplinary group to attend to this type of diagnosis. We have a group of specialties that are integrated to offer an excellent service for the comprehensive care of the pediatric patient. The care team includes a pediatric cardiovascular surgeon, cardiovascular anesthesiology, a group of pediatric cardiologists, hemodynamicists, and cardiovascular critical care. It also has the intervention of the Genetic Medicine group, in charge of monitoring all genetic diseases and malformations present in these cases.

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