Nutrients and benefits according to the color of fruits and vegetables. –

The World Health Organization (WHO)recommends consuming five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to meet the different nutritional needs of the body.

In this sense, the color of fruits and vegetables are not only part of a visual presentation, but are also accompanied by the benefits and nutrients they can offer, since certain substances that affect the body can be recognized with specific colors.

The fruits and vegetables They have nutritional benefits such as: a low amount of calories, a large amount of water, minerals such as fiber, magnesium and potassium, and a good amount of vitamins, says Dr. Carolina Ardila, nutritionist at the Clinic.

The Red color.

Foods that have this color are rich in lycopene, carotene and flavonoids, with an effective effect. They therefore take care of our skin and tissues, favor the health of arteries and veins and improve blood flow. They are slightly acidic and their season is summer. This color is also associated with a good mood. This color is found in: tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries, pomegranates, currants, cayenne, red pepper, watermelon

The color yellow.

These foods contain vitamin E, a fat-soluble vitamin with an effect against free radicals. They also reduce the risk of diseases such as cancer, diabetes and cardiovascular problems. With a sweeter flavor, its season is the end of summer. It is found in: Peppers, olive and sunflower oil, banana, pineapple, lemon, plums, medlars, cereals

The color orange.

Many of the fruits and vegetables have this color. The vegetables with this color are sweet, such as carrots and pumpkins, and the typical orange fruits are citrus fruits, rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which protect the skin and bones and prevent the appearance of cancer. Therefore, they are highly recommended for people with psoriasis, stretch marks, arthritis, and digestive problems. Where are they? In tangerines, oranges, pumpkin, carrots, peach and mango.

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The color green. It is the color of health par excellence, and the foods that contain it are cleansing, and have digestive and liver protective properties. They contain folic acid and vitamins A and K. Essential in pregnancy. Its taste is bitter. Find green in plant foods: Swiss chard, avocado, lettuce, lamb’s lettuce, spinach, seaweed, broccoli, cabbage, endive, asparagus, peas, apple and kiwi.

The color white.

White foods are rich in potassium, are diuretics and improve blood circulation. They help fight infections and strengthen the immune system. They are related to a somewhat spicy flavor and their season is autumn. They are found in: artichoke, garlic, coconut, leek, ginger, quinoa and pepper.

The color Purple.

These foods contain anthocyanins, purple or bluish pigments, which are involved in the health of blood vessels. In addition, they are antioxidant, reinforce the view and prevent urinary infections. Sweet in flavor, its season is indeterminate, from spring to autumn. It is found in: blueberries, eggplants, cherries, lavender, violet or grapes.

It is suggested to combine all the colors to form chromatic dishes that fill your menus with health and joy.

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