Endometriosis, the silent disease of the uterus –

Endometriosis is a multifactorial disease, whose symptoms can be confused with the inconvenience that the arrival of menstruation can cause each month, however, as our obstetrician-gynecologist Hernando Navarro Newball states, a patient can live with it without experiencing any symptoms, but also It can present severe obstructive processes.

Dr. Navarro explains a little more about this disease, how to identify it, the possible causes and the treatments that must be followed.

What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is endometrial tissue that is installed outside the cavity of the uterus, “this tissue must be inside this cavity and it is shed every month when menstruation occurs, if this tissue is located in the fallopian tubes, in the ovaries, in the pelvic peritoneum, in the intestine or in any other place is when it is called endometriosis ”, specifies the specialist. It can occur due to genetic predisposition, as well as external situations such as environmental, nutritional and emotional factors, among others.

Its symptoms can be variable and are sometimes confused with the normal symptoms of menstruation, “but when this pain increases with each period, the woman needs to take anti-inflammatories or pain medicine and also has to be incapacitated, it may be thought that there is a pathology that must be monitored”, says the obstetrician-gynecologist.

other symptoms

  • Pain in sexual intercourse.
  • If endometriosis is very advanced, it can cause intestinal problems such as obstructions and constant urinary infections.
  • Mass effect in the area, as if it were a tumor.
  • Alteration in your menstrual cycle.
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What management can be given?

  • Visit the doctor in the event of incapacitating pain or that requires medication to reduce it.
  • One of the processes is to remove most of the abnormal tissue.
  • Medical treatment to prevent the tissue from resurfacing. It is a disease that must be treated by a doctor, who will define the treatment to follow.
  • Eat anti-inflammatory diet.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle
  • Lose weight.

Reproduction and endometriosis

  • The pregnant patient may have endometriosis.
  • If you have endometriosis and want to get pregnant, you can do so with medical supervision, since pregnancy is a treatment for managing the disease.
  • Endometriosis causes infertility when it alters the ovaries, when it damages or covers the tubes.
  • Endometriosis can go unnoticed in a woman’s life, without generating symptoms, but it can also cause an obstructive process.

At our Grupo Quirónsalud Clinic we have qualified specialist doctors for the care of female gynecological and obstetric pathologies that lead to their proper management.