Definition of the week: Projection

Projection, in Freudian thought, is an ego defense mechanism through which individuals disguise their threatening impulses (what is hated, bad, shameful or unpleasant) by attributing them to others.

Laplanche and Pontalis (sf, cited in Gómez Mango, 1985) define projection in the following way: “In a properly psychoanalytic sense, an operation by which the subject expels from himself and locates in another—person or thing—qualities, feelings, desires.” and even “objects” that he does not know, or rejects in himself. It is a defense of very archaic origin and that operates particularly in paranoia but also in “normal” modes and thoughts such as superstition.


Gómez Mango, E. (1985), .

Myers, D. (2006), Psychology 7th Edition, Madrid: Editorial Médica Panamericana.

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