Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT): a possible treatment for patients with severe disorders

Working with complex patients or patients with multiple problems represents one of the greatest challenges for mental health professionals. Third generation therapies are models that emphasize the function and context of psychological events rather than their validity, frequency or form, and incorporate acceptance and mindfulness processes into behavioral therapies. This article describes one of them, dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), beginning with the development of the model by the author, Marsha Linehan, who in the 1980s investigated its effectiveness in women with borderline disorder. of personality, later extending the model to other disorders. The dialectical orientation of treatment is developed and the central dialectic between acceptance and change is explained; The biosocial theory on the etiology and maintenance of behavioral problems is realized, validation procedures and change procedures are developed. Finally, the stages in which the problems to be treated are prioritized and the methods that make up the treatment are explained.

Authors: Germán Leandro Teti, Juan Pablo Boggiano and Pablo Gagliesi


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