Definition of the week: Sensation

Sensation is defined as a process by which sensory receptors and the nervous system receive and represent the energy of stimuli that come from the environment.

Sensory systems allow organisms to obtain all the information they need. Below we leave some examples:

  • The male silkworm butterfly has receptors so sensitive to the odor of females in heat that they only need to release a billionth of an ounce per second of this odorous substance to attract males from a mile away. . This explains why silkworms still exist.
  • Human beings were also created in a similar way to detect what, to us, are important features of the environment. Our ears are most sensitive to the frequency of sound that corresponds to the consonants of the human voice and the baby’s cry.

The sensory qualities that nature has given us adapt perfectly to the needs of the being that receives them.

Fountain: Myers, D. (2006), Psychology 7th editionPanamericana Medical Editorial:Madrid
Image: (Flickr)

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