Cholesterol and triglycerides. When does it become a risk? –

The cholesterol and the triglycerides They are fats necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, its high level in the blood and its accumulation in the arteries is one of the main cardiovascular risk factors and a latent risk of mortality.

Much of the cholesterol it is produced in the liver, another is provided by food and another is present in the bile (this is generally reabsorbed in the intestine); Its main function is to form the cell membranes of our body’s organs, which uses it to make hormones, produce bile acids and some vitamins such as D, among other substances.

There are two types of cholesterol ‘well’ (HDL), this goes from the tissues to the liver for its elimination in the bile, when its level is low there is a greater risk of cardiovascular disease. and cholesterol ‘bad’ (LDL), which goes to the tissues, (including the arteries) for its use; Most of the cholesterol in the blood is of this type, so when its percentage rises, the risk of cardiovascular disease also increases.

Cholesterol elevation is due to two types of causes, some unchangeable and others susceptible to change because they are due to lifestyle habits.

Cannot be modified: hinheritance, The amount of ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) that our body makes and how quickly to eliminate it is determined in our genes. The anddad and sexthe levels begin to rise towards the age of 20 and continue to increase until 60 or 65. In men it tends to rise more than in women before 50, after this age the opposite happens, since the cholesterol level in women , increases with menopause.

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Among the causes that can be changed, is the dieta, because by reducing the consumption of saturated fats (present in foods of animal origin and some vegetable oils), fatty acids (found in ‘snacks’ and some bakery products) and cholesterol from foods of animal origin, cholesterol can be lowered in blood. Also, the overweight, It can generate increased ‘bad’ cholesterol, Therefore, maintaining a healthy weight can help us reduce both the level of cholesterol in the blood and that of triglycerides, likewise it contributes to raising the percentage of cholesterol ‘well’.

The triglycerides They are fats that are produced in the liver, present in some foods, they are also generated by genetic causes or by increased cholesterol. They circulate in the blood and go to the tissues where they are used as an energy reserve to cover the metabolic needs of the muscles and the brain.

Although the main cause of increased cholesterol is genetic, this and the increase in triglycerides can be largely prevented with:

  • A balanced diet without saturated fats.
  • The increase in the intake of vegetables, legumes, cereals, vegetables and fruits
  • Moderate and frequent physical activity.